

Responses from wokeuptobose

Has it all been worth it?
About five years ago I renewed my interest in my system. I have swapped out a lot of gear and had both FOMO and frustration big time along the way, but as my knowledge improved so did my satisfaction. That said, I have recently turned a corner whe... 
Getting a Divorce and can now buy floor standing speakers
+1 on Rockport Cygnus. Only available used now but they are a great well balanced speaker that purchased used is a great buy. I added a 6 pack of REL Carbon specials and they make quite a visual and sonic statement. These 8 speakers are within you... 
Townshend Audio Seismic Podiums Review
I sold my first set of Townshend Podiums with my Sasha 2s. I didn't have the same floor issues as the OP as my system is on stone on concrete. My gains we not as much in the bass area. All frequencies tightened up increasing resolution and focus. ... 
Subwoofers are a superlative room treatment
I recently added a six pack of REL Carbon Specials to my Rockport Cygnus. I was very nervous to add that much expense to my system, but what a reward. I intend to do a second "tune" but they already add so much to my listening experience that I ha... 
Do you have a perfect digital marriage?
Fiber optic to an Afterdark Netone, to a Gimm Mu1 streamer, via Shunyata Omega AES to a Lampizator Horizon 360 DAC with TP adaptors for NOS tubes. There is both a Roon server and a media storage server. within the Mu1.   I also have a $300 CD tran... 
New Speakers under consideration - but I’m afraid
+1  for Rockports. I had the (daughter won't let me sell them) B and W 801 Matrix anniversary model powered by a Krell KSA 150 for 30 years. I then moved to  Wilson Sasha 2s, but could never get them to a sound I could live with. I now have Rockpo... 
Any real experiences with a Luxman C900u and C10x?
Plus 2 @ghdprentice, I bought a C900 amp as Jay and others were all about it 4 years ago. I burned it in, and in and in, but the sound was exactly as GHD reports. I had Wilson Sasha 2s at the time. I sold it within a few weeks and bought ARC 160m ... 
Has a Power Conditioner Improved Your Sound?
Lalitk, you are so correct. Getting foundational stuff correct makes everything in the system perform its best, but it is very unglamorous. It's like getting underwear and socks for your birthday instead of a new bike! I am learning that power, is... 
Has a Power Conditioner Improved Your Sound?
Even with my Everest I ended up plugging my two amp plugs into two each dedicated circuits/wall sockets. When the 30 amp version of the Shunyata Typhon 2 came out I tried first one then two Typhon 2s with the 30 amp umbilical cord to each amp cord... 
Is There Some Problem With Shunyata's Everest Power Conditioner
I wasn't always a believer. I bought a 3000K shunyata conditioner and 5 first gen shunyata Venoms. I was very unimpressed. I bought this gear as I had a voltage surge and turned that into a WAFactor for support to buy it as protection. I was a fol... 
Is There Some Problem With Shunyata's Everest Power Conditioner
I have been a happy Everest user for about 4 years. I was offered an in-home demo of two 30 amp Typhon 2s. I did the kind of evaluation I didn't do with the Everest. I first added one with both cords plugged oof my Gryphon Antileon EVO plugged int... 
Graphene Sluggo - Unlocking Sonic Scenery
I recieved my G-slug order last night. The small size was not in stock, but I get get the two large format slugs for my Gryphon EVO amp. There is no doubt they change the sound. It is not suble like trying to figure out which 500 dollar cable or o... 
Graphene Sluggo - Unlocking Sonic Scenery
Installing a Sluggo or "bolt" in place of a rated fuse and connecting directly to the wall power is dangerous and none of us here are suggesting that. The "bolt"/Sluggo is not the Swiss Digital Fuse, but the Sluggo is what contributes to the impro... 
Gryphon Diablo 300 or Vitus SIA-025mk2 / RI-101mk2
While each Gryphon model has a slightly different sound, I am super happy with my Gryphon Antilieon EVO. In three years I went from an older Krell KSA150 to a Naim DR300 NAP to a pair of Parasound JC1+s to a Luxman Mu900 to a pair of Audio Researc... 
Graphene Sluggo - Unlocking Sonic Scenery
Thank you for such a well written and well executed test. Trying all those fuses, going back and forth and critically listening to them had to be a chore. I left the TED team almost a year ago, only because with each Swiiss digital fuse and sluggo...