

Responses from xenolith

Filter capacitance-how does it relate to amplifier performance?
Hoping Ralph will comment on the situation with my custom built 100 watt 4 x KT77 monoblocks (built by Charlie Cocci): when I took off the bottom plate to admire Charlie's work, I was shocked to see only 2 x 47mF 630 volt capacitors in the power s... 
For anyone who moved from tubes to solid state — a question
Correction: the Matrix 801 Series 2 speaker is nominal 8 Ohms (not the 6 Ohms that I had reported). Specifications:https://www.stereophile.com/content/bw-matrix-801-series-2-loudspeaker-specifications With 3 minima of about 6 Ohms. Measurements:... 
For anyone who moved from tubes to solid state — a question
"They don’t do it well, so why do it?."Somebody is referring to generalities...   
For anyone who moved from tubes to solid state — a question
@mapman: Certain that no maintenance is needed; had the amp back to Jon about two years ago...just to check bias and evaluate overall performance.  He made a minor bias adjustment and declared it "operating perfectly."  And remarkably, the tube am... 
For anyone who moved from tubes to solid state — a question
Just to demonstrate the reality that while there are generalities that are generally true, there are also instances where the generality isn't true:The xenoliths have B&W Matrix 801 Series 2 speakers with North Creek crossovers.  These speaker... 
Power Amplifiers
Threshold Stasis 2...Jon Soderberg updated(also: Threshold SL-10...Jon Soderberg updated, used for it's MC phono stage only...yowzer it's good!)   
Tube amp output taps; use both?
Thanks for the reply Ralph; you're one of the members that I know I can trust the validity of technical information from.  Your point about a coloration not found in real life is well taken; thank you. By tightly controlled, I meant that cone excu... 
Clear Day Cables Speaker Cables
Just another endorsement for Clear Day Double Shotgun speaker cables. Two pairs replaced Harmonic Technology Melodyline shotgun biwire cables between our Soderberg updated Threshold Stasis 2 and our B&W Matrix 801 Series 2 (with Van Alstine mo... 
Clear Day Interconnects
Been enjoying Clear Day interconnects between pre-amp (Soderberg updated Threshold SL-10) and amp (Soderberg updated Threshold Stasis 2) for the last month and a half now. While it does require an extended burn-in; I'd say it took 100+ hours befor...