
Responses from yage

HOLO Audio Spring DAC: Affordable discrete R2R Multibit Dac, could be a winner.
The Schiit Yaggs is much more technically advanced in its actual 21 net bits... patented AD -Bruz technologyHuh? Not sure where you're getting 21 net bits from since the Analog Devices AD5791BRUZ DAC they use is a precision 20 bit DAC. Feed it 24 ... 
Explain to me dsd
From what I can gather, it seems to me that the DAC 2X is doing what  DSP engineers call 'interpolation'. In practical terms, this means that the sampling frequencies for all your digital inputs are converted to ~5.6 MHz (or the equivalent of DSD1... 
Recommnedations for moderately price balanced IC's, and adaptors to an RCA end
Al's advice is spot on. One note - if you're considering adding a Jensen transformer into your setup, you need the PI-2RX to go from unbalanced input to balanced output. Pay particular attention to cable lengths as the output cable length needs to... 
First "audiophile" system, now what? Suggestions for best "bang for the buck" upgrade?
I’d save up for better speakers. Lots of options open up when you have $2k to spend. Also - don’t limit yourself to just Martin Logan. 
Recommendations for IC and speaker cable
I'm not a fan of Transparent Cables. I heard them connecting Vandersteen Quatro CT's and VTL monoblock amps and the sound was overly bright and harsh.I actually recently traded 'down' to Blue Jeans from audiophile cabling and couldn't be happier. ... 
Integrated for Vandersteen 2ce sigII
I suggest the Ayre AX-7e. I had one powering my 3A Signatures while the AX-5 was back at the factory getting the Twenty update and it handled music and movies with aplomb. They show up on the used market around the same price as a Cronus. 
Emotiva DC 1 Stealth "Hows the sound"?
I found the DC-1 to sound smooth and relaxed with an even tonal balance. It has fairly good spatial resolution, but not much depth to the soundstage. Overall, I thought it was very good. 
Ayre now has a new QX-5 all in one
Looks like the QX-5 Twenty will have digital volume control after all. I think this makes it an interesting choice if you have an all-digital library. QX-5 Twenty + VX-5 Twenty should make for a great combination.Re: MQA - my guess is that record ... 
blu-ray coaxial outputs limited rez to dacs?
If you have the Oppo BDP-93 or BDP-103, another option is the Audiopraise Vanity HD card. It's a little pricey at $849, but it replaces all your analog outs with digital outs that offer the full resolution digital tracks from Blu-ray discs. There'... 
Ayre now has a new QX-5 all in one
I compared MQA to PCM on an Explorer 2 and came away underwhelmed. It might be fine for streaming, but I think it trades off performance against traditional PCM to do so (except perhaps at the 'native' resolution).I'm definitely looking forward to... 
Audioquest vs Analysis Plus?
I had a pair of AQ Type 4's a long time ago and bought some AP Oval 9's to replace them. If I recall correctly, the Type 4's sounded rolled off and a little 'fuzzy' next to the Oval 9's. I never looked back. 
I want to introduce my nephew to hi end with your help!
For headphones I would get your nephew a pair of Grado SR60e's. That's what started the hi-fi bug for me. 
Which CD\SACD?
I second the Ayre C-5xeMP. I have one in my system. Phenomenal. 
Headphone Amps?
I think he was using the jack on the front. If you ever want another headphone amp, you probably can connect it to the "Record Out" outputs. 
A little help please
Ayre / Vandersteen is a great combination - my 3A Sigs are matched with an Ayre AX-5 Twenty. The dealer loaned me an AX-7e integrated amp while my amp was being updated and I thought it sounded wonderful - powerful enough for movies and refined en...