
Responses from yakbob

Bookshelf Speakers with the decent bass
Totem Mani-2 if you must have a bookshelf. But if you want bass, and floor standers are an option, you'll have lots more to choose from. 
Aerial 10t or KEF 107 for "vintage" speaker?
Thanks for the feedback Rrroberts,I ended up taking a chance on the KEF 107. They were about a grand less, and will need some minor refurbishment that's within my ability.I really hope to get a pair of 10Ts into my system some day. My main concern... 
Back to Square One
If you're not opposed to "vintage" speakers, have a look at the pair of Design Acoustics ps-10s on the eauction site. There's a pair with new woofer surrounds (common) listed for less than 150. I use a pair in my business office and feel they're o... 
Speakers for Vintage Marantz ? Plus other Qs
I own a few restored vintage Marantz units (1060, 2230 and 2245) and have run a number of speakers with them. I had the 1060 paired with a set of Design Acoustics PS-10s for a long time. The PS-10s we're built in the 80s and can be had in mint con... 
Ascendo C8 Renaissance: any opinions?
Thanks to you both for your thoughts. Mechans, I pretty much have to go on the opinons and reviews I read for a couple reasons. First I would have to drive to Boston or NYC to find a dealer that sells anything other than sound bars. Second, It wou... 
My Triton Ones are being delivered to me tomorrow
Stereo5, don't take it personally. It happens to most threads deemed unworthy of the snobish elite on this site. I for one am glad you posted your thoughts on the Triton 1s as I've been anxious to hear how they stand up to the stellar industry ins... 
McIntosh MX120 hook up.
Matt gives good advice. This is likely a setup error, not a defect.Regarding the front panel display [AUX--Volume--CD] CD in this case is the source for the main zone, and AUX is the source selected if you were to turn on zone 2. So, if your CD is... 
Need New Bookshelf Speakers of Certain 'Style'
@Schubert, I was implying (perhaps poorly) that some gear flippers may be under the influence. 
Need New Bookshelf Speakers of Certain 'Style'
Although some of the recent pairs up for sale have been at crack pipe prices, I'd add the original Sonus Faber Concertos to the list if the Dali's don't pan out. They sound great and look like a piece of furniture. Unfortunately, at the moment the... 
Remoding Speakers Has An Effect On Resale Value
Zyac, I'd be interested in your thoughts ( and full details) on the mods once you get them back and had a chance to break them in. Best of luck with the outcome! 
Remoding Speakers Has An Effect On Resale Value
The founders of Gemme Audio we're never reluctant about sharing their driver types and their sources. Robert even posts here occasionally to help owners with questions.True, the wool impregnated woofer and Vifa tweeter can be had off the rack at M... 
My Gemme Tanto V2's with an Acurus DIA-150
Great to hear Zyac! I'm enjoying the hell out of Tanto V2s as I type.They're still in my office and I'm only sending them 45 vintage watts via a tubed DAC. Not so many watts, it makes me wonder if your Acurus/Tanto combo is just not a good pairing... 
My Gemme Tanto V2's with an Acurus DIA-150
Sorry to hear about your amp pairing and hope the Peachtree Grand works out for you. I have a pair of Tanto v.2 and have been very satisfied with thier sound when paired with my IPS-1 (which is stable to 2ohms).For kicks, I also moved these speake... 
Pat Metheny Unity Group: Kin -- WTF?
Agreed PTM, and I can't really ever fault someone with that much talent, I've just never had a whole album ruined for me by one simple instrument/engineering oversight. Quite dumbfounding given all the experience in this project. 
Desktop System DAC
My office DAC is a Grant Fidelity TubeDAC-11. I too listen at low levels and have been extremely happy with the sound, and it has a ton of flexibility in regard to input /output options. Tube rolling is also an option if you decide to use the tube...