
Responses from yoby

Looking for a power conditioner/regenerator/filter
Hi Ozzy. Are you using the Audience R2p-TO's in conjunction with the Synergistic Powercell 10 SE? 
HiDiamond Power cords...
Thanks Dave. 
HiDiamond Power cords...
Hi Calloway: What AC cords will you be replacing the HiDiamond 3 with? 
Synergistic Research Comes Down to Earth
Hi Joeyboynj. Would you still keep the Powercell 10 MK III AC conditioner? 
Where's Alan Maher?
Ivan: I just received an email from Alan via facebook stating that he's in the process of moving back to the USA, and is temporarily out of buisness. He hopes to resume buisness as usual in December. 
Where's Alan Maher?
Thanks Ivan. 
2 PA-7s via CA-7 to Polk SDA-SRSs original
When I had those speakers, I had an interconnect cable ( the one that connects the two speakers together) made from Kimber 8TC wire as well. It made a nice improvement. 
Gerry Rafferty dies
Chadnliz. Well said. 
Gabriel Gold vs Marigo vs NBS
Jafox. What cables did you replace the NBS Statements with? Thanks in advance. 
Need to downsize Isoclean for LCd tv and H Theater
What exactly does "selected European epoxy" mean? 
$3500 to spend on a tube preamp....ideas?
Vibration control devices for EMM CDSA.
The Marigo Audio TRi Mystery feet are the best I've used. You can audition a set for 30 days with a money back guarantee. Check out the reviews. 
Need amp suggestion for PBN Montana EPS2.
I'm using a Dehavilland Mercury II tube preamp. 
Need amp suggestion for PBN Montana EPS2.
Vlassiss. I run a pair of Nuforce 9SE V3 amps with my EPS speakers. They're a very good match with deep, tight bass response. 
System too harsh Help
Ricardo is correct. Vibration control of all components is critical. Chrissain is also correct about Nordost cables. I used to run all Valhallas at one time, and, although they are very detailed, they lack body and fullness of sound. I also genera...