

Responses from yogiboy

Audio Pro B2-50 Subwoofer Anyone?
My main reason for using a sub is not for bass improvement.Your amp does not waste most of its power in the low (20-40 hz)end. 
electrical short 1 channel. Cable spade at fault?
Seller responsible? Rots of ruck! 
Turntable hum problem after demagnetizing
I forgot to ask. Did you remove the cartridge before demagnetizing? If not you might have ruined the tuntable motor. 
Turntable hum problem after demagnetizing
Remove the cartridge and see if you still have hum. If you don't that means you ruined it. A demagnetizer is the worst tool to use they cause nothing but problems. 
New 12AX7s from Audio Research
$40.00 per 12ax7 is an outrageous price for that type tube. Get a nos GE or Sylvania for about $10.00 a pop and you will be very satisfied with them. 
Upgrade from VPI HW-19 Mark IV turntable
Get rid of that MMT arm. I used that with a MK3 before I upgraded to a SME 309,apples and oranges! 
Need advice on new TT, arm and cartridge.
Check out the SME model 10 with arm. 
Thin Walled Speakers -Tonian, Musical Affairs, etc
I am a long time Spendor guy. They rock with the best of them. 
Grado reference platnum or Grado statement platnum
All Grado's are mm. The ones you are interested in come in both 5mv or .5mv. I would not take a chance on the .5 mv ones,they might not have enough voltage to drive your preamp. I have the vpi model which has 1.5 mv output. I think you should go f... 
Source for tube shopping?
I have had great dealings with tube depot. They have even given me money back on tubes I did not like. Great company to deal with. 
Tonearm Base Is Drilled for Which Tonearms?
I think that would be a good move. As long as you don't need the same shape board. Hey why not give it a go! Have some fun. 
Tonearm Base Is Drilled for Which Tonearms?
Hi Franz,I just took a look at your base. I made a mistake. I don't think they would cut that shape. But maybe a woodworker would do that. Find out before you take the plunge. Good luck! 
Grounding question?
Any dimmer switches? Those will always cause havoc! 
Tonearm Base Is Drilled for Which Tonearms?
I made one for a VPI 19 and another one for older Kenwood Kd500. Yes I did make them using wood. I used the stock ones for a template and cut them .If you are not handy any homedepot will cut them for you. I also used a nice hardwood like oak or s... 
Tonearm Base Is Drilled for Which Tonearms?
I would make the base myself. I have done this before and it is no big deal. Give it a shot you have nothing to lose !