

Responses from yogiboy

Mechanical buzz coming from the chassis
I had the same problem with my Quicksilvers. I called and was told if the amps were on a shelf I should put carpet underneath amps which solved the problem. I bought a set of isoblocks (cork blocks)and put them under the feet of the amps and they ... 
Phono Preamp Picking Up Radio Signals
You can try shorting plugs in the unused inputs on preamp. 
Toroidal transformer hum
That might be the problem. 
Toroidal transformer hum
I had the same problem with my Quicksilver amps.When I called them they told me if I have them on a shelf to put a carpet under amps and that did fix the problem. It was a vibration causing the hum. Give that a try if it works then you can get som... 
What monitors sound OK on a bookshelf?
Spendor 3/5 with its sealed woofer would fit the bill! 
how do you determine anti-skate settings?
This was told to me years ago how to check anti-ska.Find a record that has a large blank lead out with no grooves at the end of the record.With the record moving cue down the tonearm and see if it moves towards the spindle,if it does then apply an... 
AC Power - two circuits better than one?
What you did is correct. That is 2 wire with ground not 3 wire with ground! 
I am at the end of my rope, please help
Or just a simple digital multimeter! 
Help with new system
I had the Spendor s8e and I used them with all Quicksilver.It was a great combination! 
40 songs on 2 records?
That makes sense thanks! 
12ax7 tubes can be enterchanged with xxx tubes?
A 12au7 has 80% less gain then a 12ax7,a 5751 has 30% less gain than a 12ax7. I would not do that change! Just try some different 12ax7 tubes,I like older sylvania or Ge you can get them cheap. 
AC Power - two circuits better than one?
You should use the 15 amp circuits for all your gear with no problem.The 20 amp cicuit was used for something that draws higher current most likely A/C,clothes dryer,etc.A 15 amp circuit is about 1700 watts,no way does your gear come close to that... 
Find the weak link to help me spend $800 or so
My Final Choices For New Amp - Need Your Help
Check out Quicksilver,you can roll many types of tubes with them. 
Help needed to diagnose preamp channel unbalance.
Return it!Why keep a lemon?