

Responses from yogiboy

Is all the hype warranted
Here ya go! https://www.hifishark.com/search?q=decware Take a look of the amount of the sold listings!    
Bookshelf Speakers for Luxman 590axii?
Here ya go! https://generubinaudio.com/shop?olsPage=products%2Ffalcon-acoustics-ls35a Review! https://www.stereophile.com/content/falcon-gold-badge-ls35a-loudspeaker  
No Private Messages for Me
The fact is that Audiogon is first and foremost a business. The discussion posts bring them zilch.  It must cost them something to maintain it at no cost to the people who frequent these posts!  
No Private Messages for Me
I’m pretty sure that the reason you can’t send a message is that you have never had any transaction here. The reason for a cc verification is needed so they get paid their fee when a listing is posted!  
Best subwoofer to pair with Vandersteen Treo CTs??
Since you have Vandersteens you should go with the homegrown Vanderseen sub!  
What devices have you found useful when inspecting your stylii for cleanliness?
Use a mirror and a flashlight!  
Seeking speakers under $3K for 10x12 ft room and driven by 20wpc tube amp
@immatthewj Those non ported speakers would be fine in the size room and type of music that the OP listens to! He should make an offer on them!!  
Seeking speakers under $3K for 10x12 ft room and driven by 20wpc tube amp
Those Spendors list for $2300.00!  Spendor A1 Bookshelf Loudspeakers (pair) – Upscale Audio      
Seeking speakers under $3K for 10x12 ft room and driven by 20wpc tube amp
There is a verified dealer listing here for a new pair of the Spendor A1 stand mount speakers. For the asking price of $1100.00. I doubt you would go wrong with them. Add some nice stands and you will be well below your budget! BTW, I have owned t... 
Current or Previous Harbeth Owners…
@freediver  Touché  
Current or Previous Harbeth Owners…
@akg_ca Why would you call the thin wall design a major detriment? Many other speakers use this design including Spendor, Graham, Falcon, Stirling, etc., etc,. It's been around for over 60 years and many enjoy BBC type speakers!  
Current or Previous Harbeth Owners…
I’ve owned every Harbeth minus the 40 ( room too small ). I liked all of them and I am now using the Super HL5 plus and in my room it is perfect. Head Bangers need not apply lookin’ at Harbeth! A Cerwin Vega type speaker would be more to your liki... 
Phono stage for second system
Check out Sutherland! https://sutherlandengineering.com/  
Identify, repair or replace mid range speaker in B139 based setup
Here ya go! https://www.falconacoustics.co.uk/drive-units-1/falcon-b110-t27-b139-drive-unit/falcon-b139-8-ohm-kef-b139-sp1044-replacement-woofer.html  
Low Volume Speakers to pair with Gato 150
" I have not heard of those before." Here ya go! Spendor is a British loudspeaker manufacturing company founded in 1969 by audio engineer Spencer Hughes and his wife Dorothy1234. The name "Spendor" is derived from the first names of both founder...