Responses from yogiboy
Is all the hype warranted Here ya go! https://www.hifishark.com/search?q=decware Take a look of the amount of the sold listings! | |
Bookshelf Speakers for Luxman 590axii? Here ya go! https://generubinaudio.com/shop?olsPage=products%2Ffalcon-acoustics-ls35a Review! https://www.stereophile.com/content/falcon-gold-badge-ls35a-loudspeaker | |
No Private Messages for Me The fact is that Audiogon is first and foremost a business. The discussion posts bring them zilch. It must cost them something to maintain it at no cost to the people who frequent these posts! | |
No Private Messages for Me I’m pretty sure that the reason you can’t send a message is that you have never had any transaction here. The reason for a cc verification is needed so they get paid their fee when a listing is posted! | |
Best subwoofer to pair with Vandersteen Treo CTs?? Since you have Vandersteens you should go with the homegrown Vanderseen sub! | |
What devices have you found useful when inspecting your stylii for cleanliness? Use a mirror and a flashlight! | |
Seeking speakers under $3K for 10x12 ft room and driven by 20wpc tube amp @immatthewj Those non ported speakers would be fine in the size room and type of music that the OP listens to! He should make an offer on them!! | |
Seeking speakers under $3K for 10x12 ft room and driven by 20wpc tube amp Those Spendors list for $2300.00! Spendor A1 Bookshelf Loudspeakers (pair) – Upscale Audio | |
Seeking speakers under $3K for 10x12 ft room and driven by 20wpc tube amp There is a verified dealer listing here for a new pair of the Spendor A1 stand mount speakers. For the asking price of $1100.00. I doubt you would go wrong with them. Add some nice stands and you will be well below your budget! BTW, I have owned t... | |
Current or Previous Harbeth Owners… @freediver Touché | |
Current or Previous Harbeth Owners… @akg_ca Why would you call the thin wall design a major detriment? Many other speakers use this design including Spendor, Graham, Falcon, Stirling, etc., etc,. It's been around for over 60 years and many enjoy BBC type speakers! | |
Current or Previous Harbeth Owners… I’ve owned every Harbeth minus the 40 ( room too small ). I liked all of them and I am now using the Super HL5 plus and in my room it is perfect. Head Bangers need not apply lookin’ at Harbeth! A Cerwin Vega type speaker would be more to your liki... | |
Phono stage for second system Check out Sutherland! https://sutherlandengineering.com/ | |
Identify, repair or replace mid range speaker in B139 based setup Here ya go! https://www.falconacoustics.co.uk/drive-units-1/falcon-b110-t27-b139-drive-unit/falcon-b139-8-ohm-kef-b139-sp1044-replacement-woofer.html | |
Low Volume Speakers to pair with Gato 150 " I have not heard of those before." Here ya go! Spendor is a British loudspeaker manufacturing company founded in 1969 by audio engineer Spencer Hughes and his wife Dorothy1234. The name "Spendor" is derived from the first names of both founder... |