

Responses from yoyoyaya

Strange ticking noise when amps were powered on from cold
It seems pretty clear that the noise is thermally related - and notwithstanding the fact that changing valves didn't make a difference, mechanical noise from the tubes seems the most likely explanation. As the noise is very faint and only last's a... 
Tiny Room (6' x 9') speaker advice
The original AE1 as a great speaker - not the best balanced tonally, but exceptional bass for the size of the box. However, they are a pig to drive - similar to a 3/5a. However, unlike the 3/5a the can handle the power required to drive them corre... 
Upgrade Reccomendations
The Matrix 804s were, and are, perfectly good loudspeakers. That generation of B&W's were not as power hungry as the current D series. The 605s are not great sonically. I presume you still need the hybrid tube amp for your headphone setup, so ... 
CD transport vs.streaming
Exactly, latik - well said. I'm not going to waste previous hours of my life ripping my CDs and I'm quite happy to listen to new music on Qubuz - along with continuing to listen to vinyl.  
Tiny Room (6' x 9') speaker advice
A 5 litre box  LS 3/5A-type speaker is the obvious choice. To widen the field, I suggest a listen to the Sonus Faber Lumina II. That said, if one is talking about literally reproducing the sound of a Strat through a Blackface Princeton, then your... 
Which Tweeter preferred- dome natural material, Beryllium/Metal or Planar Ribbon? Why?
As has been said, any tweeter is only a good as the overall speaker design. The Focal Inverted Ti is a good case in point - a unit that can sound radically different in different applications. However, purely to expand the field, plasma tweeters ... 
Buyer Dispute
@kirbymydog. You are right to keep pressure on the manufacturer. Given the big marketing push by B&W for the D4s, perhaps existing customers are being overlooked in favour of building new stock. The same is happening in the bike industry where... 
Buyer Dispute
Not to take this thread in a different direction (and without prejudice to the merits of the argument about the sellers obligations), but it's worth commenting on the matter of the unavailability of the tweeters from Bowers and Wilkins. We're taki... 
I am enjoying my analog system, but what can I do to improve?
The 1200G is a bit of a pig to change tonearms on - and there's very limited clearance for the arm pillar vis a vis the baseplate, especially since the platter is so low profile and the arm often needs to come down a long way to get the correct VT... 
Am I a hopeless audio snob?
The current Technics SL-1200G is a fine turntable at its price point. It is stronger on rythmic drive and bass coherence than it is on tonal refinement, but an excellent performer nonetheless. While it looks like the old disco 1200, it does not lo... 
Do good power cords have to be stiff?
Less Loss cables, made in Lithuania use a braided construction and are extremely flexible.  
The worst sentence in audio writing
@erik_squires, I think you are conflating two separate arguments - (A) whether it is possible to increase the resolution of music reproduction in a sonically neutral fashion? The answer to that is absolutely:- by lowering the noise floor, as has b... 
AKM makes the best DACs
I was away from my computer, and the Esoteric question has been answered. But for completeness, most of the higher end players (which function also as DACs) and dedicated DACs used AKM devices, many in a multiple dac chip configuration. It appears... 
AKM makes the best DACs
@Audioman 58. There are many great-ladder dac chips -R2R out there to even consider any AKM chips not 1 upper dac maker use them ,buy a Topping if that’s your thing.   I suppose Esoteric (pre Mastersound Discrete Dac) doesn't count as an "upper... 
AKM makes the best DACs
In non FPGA DACs, I've tended to find that AKM chips sound the most natural, but most of the AKM based DACs I've listened to tend to be more expensive than those which use ESS and Burr Brown chips so the issue of anciallary components complicates ...