

Responses from zephyr24069

Rubidium Clock
Sibelius: Great to hear from you....what piece will you be driving with the Cybershaft Premium?  I am sure you will be very happy with the result based upon what I continue to hear here plus the results of 2 others who have recently received one o... 
Rubidium Clock
Justubes2: Thank you once again for highlighting the lower phase noise/etc...on the OCXO side of my Cybershaft clock. The difference in terms of satisfying musical presentation of every note, more precise and natural imaging, etc...once I switched... 
Lampizator Music KOMPUTER or MusicVault or MemoryPlayer64???
Thank you! 
Lampizator Music KOMPUTER or MusicVault or MemoryPlayer64???
Guys,...thank you both very much for the  feedback and pointers! 
Lampizator Music KOMPUTER or MusicVault or MemoryPlayer64???
Thank you very much....do you rip on another device and then use the filesystem on the Lampi as a target for the fies? 
Moving From USA Overseas... Looking For Advice re: Electrical Service and Gear
Great advice,....thank you! 
Moving From USA Overseas... Looking For Advice re: Electrical Service and Gear
Thank you all for the responses and all the great info! 
Rockport Atria OR Legacy Aeris OR Focal Scala Utopia III (V1's)
I have no listening experience with Rockport so comments are confined to Legacy and Focal...+1 for ebm’s comment on ears and wallet being the determining factor however please also note your musical preferences will drive speaker selection. For ex... 
Moving From USA Overseas... Looking For Advice re: Electrical Service and Gear
Correction: Argentina is 220-240v and 50Hz so my question regarding a step-down transformer that would also convert (up) from 50Hz to 60Hz while it steps down the voltage from 220-240v to 115-120v is important. 
Moving From USA Overseas... Looking For Advice re: Electrical Service and Gear
Thank you very much,...I am grateful to the OP and those who respond on this thread as I have a very similar question around a potential move to Argentina in about 1 year's time. Their power is 220-240 60Hz as well. Questions:  Is there a step-dow... 
Redbook Keeps Surprising
Almarg: Thank you for your help! 
Redbook Keeps Surprising
Thanks...that helps alot! 
Redbook Keeps Surprising
Thank you very much for the answer on that; can I assume the same would apply to (after my death and therefore no longer using my discs) giving it all to my son or if he does not want it, to a music library as a donation? 
Redbook Keeps Surprising
To the original topic,...RBCD does keep surprising both in terms of RBCD traditional formats that are on the market as well as what I would consider RB variants/offshoots like XRCD, XRCD2 and XRCD24.  There are some phenomenal discs on my shelves ... 
Redbook Keeps Surprising
Cleeds/others who know the law: One other serious question,...consider this scenario; I buy a disc from a regular retail source, pay the prescribed market price, listen to it, don't rip it or save it in any way and then grow tired of it, and give ...