

Responses from zimwig

Time For a CD Player Upgrade
I recently got very lucky and found a preowned Audio Note CD 3.1x/II. HEAVEN! There is a used AN CD 4 on another market site.These are pure Redbook CD players. I do second the Marantz Ruby or SA-10 recommendations.        
dac recommendations for turntable listener?
The Sonnet Morpheus is a great R2R analog sounding DAC with very nice built in preamp.  
vibration control - cd player
Nordost Sort Kones BC.  Better than isolation. Drains vibration from the CD player itself. Creates a dead quiet background, lets the music really shine.  
Newer Blues Artists or Recordings
Doug MacLeod - Audiophile recordings of some of the best original acoustic Delta and country blues going. Great story teller. Delta Time - Terry Evans and Hans Theessink  with Ry Cooder. An another audiophile gem! Christone “Kingfish” Ingram - s... 
Best Covers
Your Not-So-Obvious Best Fidelity LPs
Doug McLeod- any on Reference Recordings Odetta - Blues Everywhere I Go Keb Mo - Just Like You Greg Brown - Further In Keith Richards - Main Offender Sarah Jarosz - Build Me Up From Bones    
So you just took a gummie...What song is on the menu?
Side 1 - Blues for Allah - Grateful Dead   
LOUDEST Concert and Tinnitus
The single loudest show was Neil Young and Crazy Horse, painfully loud and annoying. We walked out. To many 70’s Electric Hot Tuna shows, most of them 5 hours plus is what took its toll on my hearing. Loved it! My tinnitus is neck muscle related... 
Name 3 songs where audio quality and song quality completely align
Gaja - James Taylor - Can’t beat those kettle drum rolls… Build me up from bones - Sara Jarosz  The Weight - Cassandra Wilson - Nothing beats the original Band version, but this cover is so sonically interesting.  
Favourite Guitarists
+1 Ronnie Earl Doug MacCleod  
Favourite Guitarists
Without letting politics shade my opinion Eric Clapton - Jerry Garcia - Stephen Stills - BB King - Mark Knophler - Jorma Kaukonen (Acoustic) - Leo Kotke - Derek Trucks - Jeff Beck - Jimi Hendrix - Ry Cooder -Stevie Ray Vaughn     
What are your top 3 favorite female singers?
Rhiannon Giddens  Bonnie Raitt Sarah Jarosz Eva Cassidy Grace Slick Joni Mitchell Cassandra Wilson Beth Hart      
Flat Screen Television behind speakers
Check out Amazon, there are numerous TV covers that might work for you.  
The "British Invasion". A question for you old farts out there.
Two music cliques growing up; Grateful Dead - pot smoking, mellow hippies (me)VS.Lead Zeppelin - alcohol drinking, tough guys 
What is your favorite album cover?
The Original version of Sticky Fingers (with the zipper) -Rolling Stones