
Responses from zoya

Differences in CD players? Am I crazy?
Most of the improvements you'll notice when you upgrade your speakers. And then you'll begin to hear the differences in other components. 
I need a female jazz vocalist. No Krall, No Norah
Laura Fugy 
Amp heat sinks are ringing
Gnobber, how hot do the heatsinks normally get? If they stay cool - than you can play with some damping material. But if they run hot, anything you place on or around heatsinks will impede cooling and can cause damage to the output devices. Perhup... 
Have you tried the ART SLA-1 amp yet?
Ericthered, Are you affiliated with D911 or do you have other finacial interests in this amp or its MODS? 
Have you tried the ART SLA-1 amp yet?
D911, I hope that auditors of audiogon will remove this thread also, so "members" like you will stop sneaking in their advertisements. 
Any one make a good sounding single disc SACD?
I had asked the same qustion and I've listenned to the advise i got - I bought MARANTZ 8260 (demo for $500) and I am very happy with it. It sounds great playing SACD and readbook CDs. 
Rotel RMB 1095 - no 12 volt trigger
If the preamp has switched AC out connector. You can plug amp's power cord into it and leave amp's swith 'ON' all the time. 
Philips SACD 1000 / power cords in general
Sean, I'll try to put some sense into the results of your test. When you conducted your test you were using test sinwave. But the music is a complex signal - not a pure sine wave. The many harmonics are part of the music that we hear. So additiona... 
OK, A'Gon/guys: I like to print the odd thread but
When in brouser click on TOOLS - INTERNET OPTIONS - ADVANCED - find PRINTING options and unselect "Print background colors and images".Good luck. 
How to share speakers without bypass?
I didn't try it but in theory the following should work - if you use biwire in reverse - connect each speaker to both amps outputs. As long as you power only one amp at a time there shouldn't be any signal crossing. And output stage of either amp ... 
Who are the Jazz Cats on Audiogon?
I'm with you guys! 
Harmonic Tech/Nordost/Acoustic Zen/Kimber? on Sim
I would like to share my thread on this subject. 
Hi-Fi wanna-be needing advice on an Amp purchase
I second Musical Fidelity. A second choise (maybe even first) McIntosh - MC7100 - great 100w amp. 
Minimum Amp power for spkr performance
150/300 means your speaker can handle 150 watts of continious power and 300 watts max peak power.Speaker sensitivity showes how loud the speaker will sound at indicated power (usually it states at 1 or 2 watts).Hope it helps. 
Looking for an amazing preamp under $700 used
McIntosh C31...39 - which ever you can get for your price. I got C35 for $700 with remote. It is everything you describe. Personaly, I love mine and going to keep it for a long time.