$10 / foot speaker wire

I'm looking for decent speaker wire for about $10/ft. I've ruled out Analysis Plus (tizzy, Kimer (bright), Goertz and braided high capacitance designs. Looking at:
* DH Labs Q10
* Mapleshade clearview golden double helix.
* Audioquest Type 6 from Audio Advisor.
* Luminous Audio Technology (LAT) spiral wrapped 18 gauge.

Are any of these any good for transparent, neutral sound? Is there something better?

I think the DH Labs stuff is a great value, and Q10 is excellent. I haven't tried Mapleshade but it looks intriguing. I also agree with the above that low impedance is critical, another reason I like Q10. Audio Advisor had AQ Granite on sale for less than half price a few weeks ago, don't know if it still is, but it is a lot better than Type 6 and a good deal at their prices.
Thanks for the suggestions. I will be putting them on my list to look into. Definitely a sale priced AQ looks worth trying.
second the canare star quad. .69cents a foot at marketek.com and they will terminate.
RED ROSE 336 cable at $10/ ft. is THE cable to own in this range. I heard them in the NY studio and was extremely impressed with the system. I would definitely look into these.