15k USD Speakers for Classical and Pop Extended Listening, Near setup, Low volume

Dear Audiophiles,

I am looking for some speakers for my home office. Speakers would be place 6ft from me on either side of my desk. Speakers will be 8 ft apart.

I love classical music and pop. I am looking for speakers for extended listening at not very high volume. They should be warm and non fatiguing.

I am currently considering following speakers:

1. Monitor Audio Gold 300

2. ATC SCM40

3. Kef R7 Meta

Do you have any other suggestions. Thanks and appreciate your help!


A bit late to the party here, but I would like to share my workplace setup. I too had to deal with limited space but so far this setup gave me much enjoyment.

Cabasse Baltic Evolution driven by Audio Note Cobra with built in DAC. The coaxial nature of these speakers make their near field experience excellent. Beautiful speakers for female vocal and classical, more musical compared to Diablo Utopia imo. Other excellent options I have heard were Yamaha NS3000 and Raidho X1T. The Harbeth you have shortlisted is excellent as well.

If you are considering the Harbeth P3ESR XD, I would encourage you to check out the Neat Petite Classic. I have had them for a bit and they have that LS3/5A sound with more dynamics and drive. 


Hegel is solid, I would add Primare integrated, you can try it risk from Crutchfield 

@ilikeclassical You should also consider the following. I do not like headphones, but these are. different (especially the (SR1a/SR1b). They do not replace 2-channel for me in my office, but they do serve the purpose of late-night listening. I used to look for gear that sounded great at low volume, which I have, but I now always use the phones late at night.

(52) RAAL 1995 headphones, Magna and Immanis | Page 47 | Headphone Reviews and Discussion - Head-Fi.org

I have spoken with people who have replaced entire 2-channel systems, such as Magico based to go with the older SR1a. The new stuff is supposed to be even better.

Send me a DM if you are curious about what the heck I am talking about.