I had a 5-channel Dynaudio setup. Good tired of fooling around with all the settings. Went back to strictly 2-channel. Even when occasionally watching a movie on the 2-channel system (it has an LCD display that I use for music videos and concerts), I find the sound more than adequate.
My 2-channels plus stereo subs in many, many ways is far superior to the 5.1 system I have in my TV room because of the quality differential between the 2 setups. Exactly the problem you mention.
Any way, I have now concluded that it is much better to take your budget and divide it up into 2 channels than 5 channels.
My 2-channels plus stereo subs in many, many ways is far superior to the 5.1 system I have in my TV room because of the quality differential between the 2 setups. Exactly the problem you mention.
Any way, I have now concluded that it is much better to take your budget and divide it up into 2 channels than 5 channels.