$2500 Tube Amp Recommendations

I have a pair of Sonus Faber Concertos (Bookshelf) at 88 Sensitivity
Source is VPI Scout
Granite Audio 770FP (Tube PreAmp)
Vandersteen 2wq Sub

I am looking for a used Tube Amp and want the best bang for the buck.

I only listen to blues/jazz vinyl

Recommendations would be appreciated

Showing 1 response by jj2468

If you chose the Sonus Faber for its warm sound, be aware that the Audio Research gear tends toward the opposite side of the tube scale. If you find the sonus sound too lush, it may balance it toward neutral. Just for my preferences, it could be a little like water and oil. I like the former suggestion of a Thor linestage and I'd like to add the Dehavilland Mercury to your list. Good luck, Jeff