36v, 72v active filter on AudioQuest IC

Are they good and actually work, or this is a hype?
Want to hear from AQ's owners who have tried them with models without the battery.

Which model is their entry level with this "battery" application?

Did any1 upgrade from model with 36v to model that equip't 72v and hear imprvoment?

For some reasons, I see AQ is over rated. Fake ones (Hdmi from HongKong) are all over eBay....
As for the Sky, it is a great cable at a great (high) price. Niagara will save you 40% to 50% on the used market, and the sound quality is not much less. See this review:


Again, when dealing with the lower line AQ cables, put the money for the dbs upgrade toward the next higher AQ cable.
This is for Nick778 regarding his responds. When you said the person at AQ rep did not think the higher DBS than 72v will improve the overall sound, why is the new Signature WEL packed with 144DBS? and did he say it base on experiment? I have blown up every 24DBS and 36DBS that came with those cables, all my AQ now either have the 48DBS or 72DBS on them. That how I learned, you have to balance those DBS.
I agree completely with Nguyen357.
I did all the comparisons with Cheetah + Sky.
All run with 144V in my System. Huge increase of Soundstaging.
I have the Colorado interconnect, upgraded from 36 v. to 72 v. by upgrading the battery pack. How do you do the upgrade to 144v ?
David Pritchard
you can buy the 2-way splitter for almost no cost, they're around $10-$20 a pair. Try (Music Direct) website.