4.1 HT?

Last night I tried an experiment by setting center channel to none in the Proceed PAV setup. My rationale was that the KEF 104.2 LR speakers provide excellent stereo imaging with a solid centered image when appropriate, and they use dome tweeters, whereas the KEF 200C uses a Uni-Q tweeter. Finally, the 104.2s are just much better speakers than the 200C. I think I prefer the sound without the center channel. I played the Opus Arte Blu-ray opera & ballet sampler, and definitely preferred the sound without the 200C; I played Robin Hood, and at least imagined the dialog is clearer; I played an HD-DVR recording of the Charlie Rose program, and could tell little or no difference. I'll live with 4.1 for a few days before deciding.

Ag insider logo xs@2xdbphd
I've come to the same conclusion a long time ago, and no longer use a center channel. I like many older movies, and I got tired of hearing the sound only coming thru the center speaker when in mono. A center speaker is nice for dialog if you don't sit exactly in the center of the screen, however.
A mismatched center is better than no center but a matched center is better.

I've done it both ways.......I'll keep my center speaker. I guess if your center speaker is junk, you would benefit by getting it out of the system? (not saying "your" center speaker is junk).

I prefer no dedicated center myself - I've had a high quality matching center and just prefer the sound of the imaging without the dedicated center. My setup is such that no person sits very far off center so the center image is stable without the extra speaker anyway.
Perhaps that there are just two of us, sitting 8.5' from either main and 7.5' from the center, is the reason it's so hard to tell whether or not the center channel is active, except for a slight coloration. I certainly don't think a KEF 200C is junk, but it's not a Reference 104.2 either. As a lark, I've thought of trying one or both of my AR3a speakers in the center, because they do have dome tweeters. It's been so many decades since I heard them that I can't remember how they sound. Unfortunately, a 104.2 in the center, as Kal suggests, would impinge on viewing the bottom quarter of the screen.
