4.1 HT?

Last night I tried an experiment by setting center channel to none in the Proceed PAV setup. My rationale was that the KEF 104.2 LR speakers provide excellent stereo imaging with a solid centered image when appropriate, and they use dome tweeters, whereas the KEF 200C uses a Uni-Q tweeter. Finally, the 104.2s are just much better speakers than the 200C. I think I prefer the sound without the center channel. I played the Opus Arte Blu-ray opera & ballet sampler, and definitely preferred the sound without the 200C; I played Robin Hood, and at least imagined the dialog is clearer; I played an HD-DVR recording of the Charlie Rose program, and could tell little or no difference. I'll live with 4.1 for a few days before deciding.

Ag insider logo xs@2xdbphd
I've come to the same conclusion a long time ago, and no longer use a center channel. I like many older movies, and I got tired of hearing the sound only coming thru the center speaker when in mono. A center speaker is nice for dialog if you don't sit exactly in the center of the screen, however.
A mismatched center is better than no center but a matched center is better.

I've done it both ways.......I'll keep my center speaker. I guess if your center speaker is junk, you would benefit by getting it out of the system? (not saying "your" center speaker is junk).
