$40,000: What 2-channel system would you build?

If you had $40,000 (USD) to build a system from scratch, what would you assemble?
Used prices or new prices are welcome.
Solid state, tube, mixed ideas are welcome.
...let’s say for a medium- to med/lrg- sized room...
...no need to worry about sound treatments or power conditioners, let’s assume that’s taken care of...
Would love to hear what you would build and why you would build it. If it’s what you already have built, great. Share why you love it.
Thanks in advance for any of your builds :)
My bad, but that only makes the absurd price even more absurd
What's the old saying? "A fool and his money are soon parted
Fool is probably a bit to harsh, but certainly an uneducated consumer (with money) is an easy mark, but then again, they got glowing reviews, and likely sounded significantly better than whatever high priced amp/s people were/are using. I doubt seriously that someone without an existing hi-end system would jump on board

Class D is probably the fastest moving target in all of audio
The EVS 1200 starts with the latest IcePower 600w modules to which RIc sprinkles his magical pixie dust, puts them in authentic Italian chassis, and strips the whole thing down to barest essentials, eschewing modern conveniences that create noise, all that for a reasonable (for this hobby) $2200
tweak1, that 28K includes the matching preamp. And, there are absolute reasons in using mono blocks. Did Ric say he could add a 2nd power cable to the EVS 1200, to truly utilize the superiority of mono blocking ?, or was that someone else. Having owned so many mono blocks in my life, I would spend the difference for his mono blocks. I agree about Class D. However, with audio, cars, bikes, and several other " hobbies ", it has always been, spend double, and maybe, get a 2 % increase in performance. As far as Ric, I admire his tweaks, as I have been involved with tweaks as well, for so very long. But, I do say, if you can afford it, why not...The economy needs it...You are a 4 hour drive, each way. The same invite back at ya ( bring the amp ). Enjoy ! MrD.
I agree, and so does Ric. He uses 2 independent 600 watt modules and includes 2 IECs, but only connects one. Further, RCA is NOT standard

I am not a paid employee, just a very happy customer, so if you want to hear it, then you're coming here

Do a search. I think you’ll be very impressed
+1Millercarbon, I have no idea what you just said but that sounds about right to me 👍
I'd get a couple of systems for $40K because I think that you can find really great used gear that sounds 90-95% as gear costing thousands more.  

CAT SL1 preamp approx $3500,
Korneff 45 SET  $1500
Omega's, Zu's or Klipsch $2000
Tandberg 3014 cassette:  $2000
Tandberg 3001 tuner:  $500
Rega 25 TT, Thorens TD125 mkII - $1500
Naim CDX cd player $1500
Silver IC's and speaker wire $500-750

Motif MC7 $1200
Berning EA230:  $1200
Threshold S/200:  $1000
ProAc Response 2's:  $1500
Classe DR3:  $1500-2000
Music Reference RM9:  $1500
Proceed PCD2:  $600
Manley Stingray $2500
Cary 300B int $2500
ProAc Super Tablettes $750
Meitner MTR 101 monoblocks & PA6i pre:  $2000
Revox B215 Cassette Deck $800
Mac MR71 $500
Sonic Frontiers Tube DAC $1400
Linn Sondek LP12:  $2500
cj Premier 2 preamp:  $2500
cj MV50 amp:  $1000

$4000 remaining - get server stuff, since I don't know anything about servers

Now, I've got a ton of gear to play around with that I could buy, sell and trade others and I'd be totally content with any of this stuff