$4000 to Spend on Amp, Preamp and USB DAC

So the title pretty much says it. Here's the proposition; Starting from scratch, for $4000, what is your idea of the best sounding pre-owned three component system (amp, preamp and USB DAC). The DAC or DAC/PRE will preferably have HT Bypass and definitely a remote). I listen to Rock, Pop, and Female Vocalists, and like to follow a driving bass line. Bottom Line; it must transport me to another dimension when I listen to my well recorded favorites. :)

Speakers - still the Dynuadio Contour S3.4
Cables - OCOS II
Interconnects - Anticables with Eichmann Bullet Plugs
Power Cords - Magic Power 1 meter
Source - AIFF files through iTunes
Correction - the Bel Canto 3.5vb is $3500. Scratch that. But the 2.5 is only $2000.....
Will you consider an integrated amp? IMO, an integrated can net you the greatest bang for the buck at your price point. There is a Underwood modified LSA currently for sale that might take you to your dimension of preference.
If you go the integrated amp route, you might want to consider a Rogue Tempest-III. I think it's around $3,000.
Would definitely go with Wyred 4 Sound. If you liked the Peachtree Dac, you'll love the Wyred DAC. Far superior chip with discrete output.
Wyred integrated and you're set.