$4000 to Spend on Amp, Preamp and USB DAC

So the title pretty much says it. Here's the proposition; Starting from scratch, for $4000, what is your idea of the best sounding pre-owned three component system (amp, preamp and USB DAC). The DAC or DAC/PRE will preferably have HT Bypass and definitely a remote). I listen to Rock, Pop, and Female Vocalists, and like to follow a driving bass line. Bottom Line; it must transport me to another dimension when I listen to my well recorded favorites. :)

Speakers - still the Dynuadio Contour S3.4
Cables - OCOS II
Interconnects - Anticables with Eichmann Bullet Plugs
Power Cords - Magic Power 1 meter
Source - AIFF files through iTunes
I would recommend a Gemstone Blue Diamond Amp (conspicuously similar to SimAudio, but less expensive). I think the Peachtree Audio Nova is a great Preamp/DAC. I am in no way an expert, but these products have had great reviews and I have personally owned them and think they sound good.
Thanks guys. Travis - I currently own a Peachtree Nova, and the preamp section is average at best. The amp section is useless honestly for anything approaching high end audio. The DAC is the jewel in this piece, and that is how I am currently using it; USB DAC line out straight to my amp. But then I have to degrade (and adjust) the signal by lowering the volume in iTunes (at 100% it is WAY too loud). Although I like the fact that I can use the HT bypass feature to pass Comcast and DVD signals to my Integra DHC9.9 and control volume and processing from there, this is not an optimal situation.

Optimally, I think a high(er) quality DAC/Preamp with remote and HT bypass paired with a high current, high damping factor amplifier would do the trick. I am considering the W4S DAC-2 that just came out (as a NEW purchase :( for $1500). Also, the Bel Canto DAC-3.5vb is a superb piece. But as it just came out this year too, I would have to purchase that new for $2500).

If I go the W4S route, that leaves me $2500 for the amp, and I think this is what I am going to need to spend on an amp to be where I want to be. Unless someone can tell me that the Bel Canto piece is far superior to the W4S piece, that is the way I am leaning.

Grant - I always appreciate your thoughts and comments! Maybe the BC Ref 500S with the BC DAC 3.5vb?? They sure would look sweet together!
Correction - the Bel Canto 3.5vb is $3500. Scratch that. But the 2.5 is only $2000.....
Will you consider an integrated amp? IMO, an integrated can net you the greatest bang for the buck at your price point. There is a Underwood modified LSA currently for sale that might take you to your dimension of preference.