$4000 to Spend on Amp, Preamp and USB DAC

So the title pretty much says it. Here's the proposition; Starting from scratch, for $4000, what is your idea of the best sounding pre-owned three component system (amp, preamp and USB DAC). The DAC or DAC/PRE will preferably have HT Bypass and definitely a remote). I listen to Rock, Pop, and Female Vocalists, and like to follow a driving bass line. Bottom Line; it must transport me to another dimension when I listen to my well recorded favorites. :)

Speakers - still the Dynuadio Contour S3.4
Cables - OCOS II
Interconnects - Anticables with Eichmann Bullet Plugs
Power Cords - Magic Power 1 meter
Source - AIFF files through iTunes
What about a Naim Supernait? But I'm not sure if the DAC has a USB input. If not I would buy something like a Cambridge DacMagic with a nice 2nd hand integrated amp. Maybe a MF tri vista or something like that.
6moons review of W4S DAC2 liked the W4S much better than the Peachtree's DAC. If you are playing out of a computer primarily, I'd be sure that you go for an option that has an excellent USB or Firewire implementation. At $1500 the Wyred would certainly qualify, with its async 24/192 USB implementation. Weiss firewire DACs also come to mind, but might be tough to fit into your budget.
Considering what you want to do and your budget, a high quality DAC with volume control directly to a power amp would most likely work very well for you. Some of the previous suggestions of Bel Canto and Wyred4Sound are along the lines of what I'm thinking. I haven't heard the W4S setups, but I am a Bel Canto dealer and use this approach in my system as well (although I'm not using USB as you mention in your original post). Good luck.
Have you heard the Naim Uniti? It's an excellent 1 box solution. My dealer and I played around with one, and couldn't tell the difference sonically between the Uniti and Nait 5i-2 and CD5i-2 combo.

In addition to being an integrated amp, CD player, and DAC, it also has FM and Internet radio, and will stream music from your computer. If has an optional iPod wire. Not sure if it's digital or analog. The Naim DAC and soon to be released UnitiQute have digital iPod connections though.

Naim's 50 watts go a long way. Not sure if it'll properly drive your Dyns, but it's a must audition if you have a Naim dealer nearby.

The SuperNait sounds a good bit better, but I'm pretty sure it's over your $4k budget, and it doesn't have all the stuff the Uniti does. The SuperNait has more power too.
If you get yourself a HiFace EVO USB to S/PDIF converter ($500) you can broaden the field of good DACs on the shopping list. The will sound at least as good as all but the best (and mostly out of your price range) USB DACs. You could then get a PS Audio perfectwave with volume control for less then 2,000, and still have 1,500 left good poweramps. for If you really want the USB DAC the Wired4Sound DAC4 is probably your best bet. Some of the best value for money poweramps in the 1,000 - 1,500 range range would be Odyssey Audio Stratos, but they are bulky. Getting used class D (Bel Canto 500s or two 300m) would work very well also.