5 Dumb Things Audiophiles Believes.

So funny and so, so true, at least point number 5. 



"Duck Dynasty look ", that’s what was bugging me. I believe Ron is sincere in his

beliefs about all things audio. He helped Danny Richie of GR Research start his

YouTube channel a few years ago. But that DD look is really distracting.

I would like to re-structure this title. How about 5 things dumb audiophiles believe! Number 1 ;  Up-grading to better cables makes no difference in sound quality. Can anyone add to this?

I cannot believe this discussion wasn't removed.  I hope they will take steps to remove him.  One very strange person.

So @larry5729 why would you say that? What is strange about him or the post?

Guess he struck a nerve with you, betting it was 5 also.