@bgm11, you chose wisely. As a fellow owner, I can certainly relate to your excitement. One thing that I highly recommend is to swap the stock power cord with something nicer. I've tried Cerious Technologies Graphene and Audio Envy power cords and both made a huge difference in sound. Try it and you'll be surprised by how much more this amp can deliver.
Another thing to note is that, despite its class A rating up to 30 watts, the amp is fairly neutral, maybe a smidge on the warm side but barely so. This is good because speaker pairing gets a bit easier. I don't know your budget but Sonus Fabers tend to pair well. Look at their Olympica line, either the previous models or the new Novas. I also heard the amp with Harbeth SHL5+, and the sound was amazing.
Another thing to note is that, despite its class A rating up to 30 watts, the amp is fairly neutral, maybe a smidge on the warm side but barely so. This is good because speaker pairing gets a bit easier. I don't know your budget but Sonus Fabers tend to pair well. Look at their Olympica line, either the previous models or the new Novas. I also heard the amp with Harbeth SHL5+, and the sound was amazing.