Teres tables are extremely easy to use. Just spin the platter (or push the start button on the motor) and you are off to the races. I have not been down once with my 340 in year's worth of use.
A few more points to consider. Teres has a trade in/up policy where you can turn in your old table for a credit of 80 % of the price you paid and that credit can be applied to a new table from Teres. If you keep your original table, you have a life time guarantee and Teres there to do any repairs.
Sonically, I have not done a comparison of the SME 20 and a Teres in my own system, but have heard favorable comments about the Teres over the SME 20 (but I can't provide and detail or corroboration).
If you tend to hold on to a piece of equipment a long time, do try to have the patience to make the your best decision and hold out for the piece that makes the most sense. Two months goes faster than you think and it is not much time when you might keep a TT for ten years or more. I took about a year and half to decide on getting a Teres and considered the Platine Verdier and SME 20 that are great tables in their own right. I am thrilled that I ended up with the Teres and the trouble free experience that I have had along with incredible sonics.