Let's compare a 6Moons.com review with a Stereo Times review of the same products to get a feeling for what I am getting at here. These examples are typical, in my opinion.
The products in question are the Nordost Quantum line. They were reviewed by both 6Moons.com and Stereo Times. After I read the 6Moons.com review I came away feeling I was tied up in knots. I found their review typically long-winded and confusing. After I read the Stereo Times review I came away feeling that I had a very good sense of what to expect from these products. I found their review typically clear, concise and to the point.
How do you feel when you read these two reviews? Here are the links:
6Moons.com review
Stereo Times review
The products in question are the Nordost Quantum line. They were reviewed by both 6Moons.com and Stereo Times. After I read the 6Moons.com review I came away feeling I was tied up in knots. I found their review typically long-winded and confusing. After I read the Stereo Times review I came away feeling that I had a very good sense of what to expect from these products. I found their review typically clear, concise and to the point.
How do you feel when you read these two reviews? Here are the links:
6Moons.com review
Stereo Times review