7.1 system suggestions for a two channel guy

I'm building a new home and am looking to go from a two channel system to a seven channel system. I went to my "audio guy's" showroom to hear what he had to offer. The sytems and speakers he showed me were loud and muddy. I tend to like more of an analog two channel sound but I want to try the seven channel in my new home for surround sound but don't want to sacrice quality for quantity.

My question is does anyone have ideas as to a unit/system that will provide a clear seven channel sound which meets modern demands at an affordable price. I going for "bang for my buck." Also I'm going from two channel towers to 7 channel in-walls so some suggestions on in-wall fronts would be nice also. Jamo?
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The speakers should not be chosen until a room analysis is done with consideration of what the seating and treatments will be. Time to read Floyd Toole's 'Sound Reproduction' book, before you spend a dime.
A few months back, I bought a Marantz 7005 and I am favorably impressed. Stereophile reviewed it of late and I agree with the comments.
Keep your two channel system until after you build this HT system.

When you play stereo media through this "affordable priced" system using in walls your not going to get the two channel imaging you may be getting now. Even with 7.1, aiming the tweeters has a great deal to do with the surround quality.

Don't get me wrong, I'm very satisfied with a receiver based HT but I have the luxury of retaining my two channel system. Subsequently, I'm not as critical of the 7.1 fidelity. Even so, the HT can be surprisingly good and music video is just too good.

I'll take the stance against 5.1 and for 7.1, its just two more speakers. All the up to date hardware will be 7.1. Small room size and the majority of 5.1 media are moot issues. I've had both and HDMI 7.1 with room correction kills.