7 channel Sim titan or seperate amps???

I currently have the Sim Moon 7 channel titan running my home theater-Talon hawks,jm lab in walls and seperate Servodrive contrabass sub- Would I gain anything by switching to seperate amps and also should I stay at using a 80HZ crossover??
Cinematic got you a little ruffled 'eh FLamb?

Bebop86, I dont think the gain would be worth the expense. The Titan is wonderful and fully capable amp. If you were runnning a hybrid 2 channel/HT then maybe.

As far as the 80hz xover, if you can run your front mains at a lower point, then maybe give it a try. Nothing is set in stone when it comes to subwoofer xover. Driver intergration, room modes, etc. all play havoc on bass. You'll have to experiment a little to find what sounds best. I would go out on a limb and say that your inwalls may not agree with a low xover point though. for them 80 sounds about right.
Distortion? Cinematic?...who dat?
Oh! You mean the guy who refers to himself as "god-like"? Er, Yeah, that's just plain obnoxious and irritating.
I can understand. You two went at it a few times! Now you have me all curious what he would say?