$7K to spend on new turntable + arm

I have VPI Scout 1.0 turntable with a dynavector DV20X2m cartridge. I listen mainly to Jazz so this is my primary focus. What would you recommend as a turntable/tonearm upgrade as I have around $7K to spend. What sort of improvements in sound could I expect from your recommendation?

Note, I had ordered a VPI Classic 3 Rosewood, but for some reason VPI changed contents from what has been positively reviewed (no longer including Valhalla wire in tonearm and no periphery clamp).

Showing 1 response by bifwynne

Dweller and others ... I own a "hot rodded" VPI Classic 2.5 (that is, a Classic 1/2 plinth with a Classic 3 tone arm and base). I am satisfied with the VPI's performance, but then again, I have no basis for, comparison as this has been my only high-end table. Previously owned an old vintage Thorens TD 160.

Just want to touch on the point mentioned above about uni-pivots. The VPI made me somewhat anxious on my first couple of set-ups. Also had some problems finding a cartridge that worked well with the uni-pivot system.

That's all behind me now. I can swap out cartridges pretty quickly now, in part, because I don't go OCD with set up.

As to the point about uni-pivot instability, I can only say that if there's a problem, I'm not aware about it. Also, I thought quite a few other TT/tonearm brands use a uni-pivot system. For some reason, I thought the Graham was a uni-pivot. Maybe the other uni-pivot brands are more stable. Dunno,' but the VPI suits me ok.