DB, your tremendous wealth of knowledge is somewhat overwhelming.
It also amazes me at how well your eyes can hear. It is really quite an incredible ability. You must feel very special.
I would have to assume that after the extensive amount of formal education you received pertaining to room acoustics, sound reinforcement and acoustic physics, you would now be capable of looking at a portion of a picture and determining how a room, and the system contained within, sounds.
Very impressive.
So, before I opt to unleash my verbal wrath on you, I think I'll just revert back to a very valuable lesson my Dad had taught me many years ago. He suggested.....
"In times of confrontation, sometimes the best response you can receive is no response at all".
Now, whether you may attempt to comprehend this is totally irrelevant.
But, consider yourself fortunate. Do you understand?....... I didn't think so.
It also amazes me at how well your eyes can hear. It is really quite an incredible ability. You must feel very special.
I would have to assume that after the extensive amount of formal education you received pertaining to room acoustics, sound reinforcement and acoustic physics, you would now be capable of looking at a portion of a picture and determining how a room, and the system contained within, sounds.
Very impressive.
So, before I opt to unleash my verbal wrath on you, I think I'll just revert back to a very valuable lesson my Dad had taught me many years ago. He suggested.....
"In times of confrontation, sometimes the best response you can receive is no response at all".
Now, whether you may attempt to comprehend this is totally irrelevant.
But, consider yourself fortunate. Do you understand?....... I didn't think so.