'90's gear

Not a question, just a remark. Last week I finally fullfilled a longlasting wish for vinyl-playback: a Goldmund Studietto with T5 arm and a Kiseki Agaat Ruby cartridge. And it sounded even better as I imagined it would do. Suddenly it struck me that most of the 'serious' gear in my system is almost 20 years old: Threshold S/300 ('90 or something), Aragon 24K (?), the Goldmund ('91), Apogee Centaur Major ('92) etc. etc. Even my cd transport (recently revised with new spindle motor and laser, and some spares on the shelf) is from 1997. Only my dac is rather new: 2002.
Now as a moderator of a Dutch audioforum I heard many systems, and although mine is not thé best I've heard it still can shake it with the best.
So what's my point? A few actually. You can save a lot of money by buying older gear that was good in it's day. Yes, there may be culprits, some technical knowledge comes in handy. And the old guns still can do their trick today. And the third point is that matching is very, very important. I've heard systems with new and very expensive gear sounding dreadfull, while cheap and small systems may sound brilliant.
Well.... that's about it. I'm gonna play another record, most of them also dating from the beginning of the '90's... :)
with quality gear like yours, you can always get it recapped and modernized to as new spec.
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My amps are from the 60s, speakers and turntables from the 70s, CD player from the late 90s. It delivers music I really enjoy. There is nothing wrong with good vintage gear as far as my ears are concerned and it can offer great bang for the buck, especially if a person has a plastic spoon budget and puts on the footwork.
In many cases, older / vintage gear will be superior. Technology, as good as it can be, does not translate into better design/engineering.