A $250 Power Conditioner?

Howard reviews the Puron, which is a small AC power conditioner ($250 USD) "plug" that is distributed by Vera-Fi Audio. It’s said to cleanse the electronic circuit that feeds and audio system. Many tweaks cost a pretty penny for little or no performance increase. Is that the case here?



Milpai I can’t blame you , mine are welded now where they are? Just kidding.

I am not an electronic engineer, but how can a device like this work with no continuity running through it? I tested mine with an ohm meter and got zilch. Perhaps it was defective? 

That is interesting. I just checked one that I am trying now and get the same continuity results. Anyone out there with a more solid electrical background than myself have any ideas?

how do you buy the version with furutech blades. I bought the standard version on audiogon but can seem to find a place to buy the upgraded one

Also, I updated some items in my streamer chain.  + fully burnt in the puron and brightness seems to have gone away