
Responses from cbrez

Bluesound Node 2i with Denafrips Ares ii
So a few things. I used my Node with a direct Ethernet connection, so my WiFi is not configured and if you don’t plan on using WiFi, I would leave it that way as well. That way there is never any confusion about the digital input. While I don’t u... 
I recently started using UPOCC silver cables from Zenwave. I started with the new D4 ICs and the difference from my prior cables (TPC Iconoclast) was another level. So was the cost. However, there was much more musical resolution, image placement ... 
Let's talk about Silver...
I don’t have silver for my digital cable, but did try the Zenwave D4 last fall and it is a remarkable IC in my system. The new D4 is all UPOCC silver. It has incredible resolution and body and no brightness at all. I compared it to the Iconoclast ... 
What were your favorite gear additions in 2024?
Several things for me. Two iFi Active Power Stations - did a great job at cleaning up power issues and really opened up the sound of my system. Rolling tubes in my LTA microZOTL pre - took a wonderful preamp to a whole new level. Telefunken ECC8... 
Anybody heard the Modwright Linear Power supply with the Weiss 204 Dac?
I have the 204 and was an early purchaser of the ModWright PS for it. I did not compare it to other LPSs though, so can’t say how that would be. I decided on the ModWright based on Dan’s excellent reputation as a designer and the fact that he was ... 
Pass XA25 for my system
@sfpeloton Thanks for your kind words on my system - l certainly enjoy it! Just wanted to clarify when I mentioned the warmth of the XA25 and perhaps I chose the incorrect word. I find that the XA25 has an exceptional naturalness of timbre for a ... 
Pass XA25 for my system
@bluethinker Definitely many factors and glad to hear you are enjoying the Gryphon. I did my tube rolling before I even heard about the “Ray’s Tubes” that LTA is using as upgrades. I bought some Telefunken ECC801s and CBS/Hytron VT-231 (6SN7) and ... 
Pass XA25 for my system
I have not heard the Hegel to compare, but I do drive the Heritage Specials with a Pass XA25. I also own the same LTA pre (with rolled tubes). I have no issue driving the Dynaudios to listening levels that are satisfying to me, though I am not int... 
An audio component you just can't let go
@roxy54 It was at least 30 years ago and it is a very specific amp if you know anything about it. Thanks for your comment though.  
An audio component you just can't let go
I have two Dynaco ST 35 amps in my closet that I purchased many moons ago. I can’t exactly remember the speakers I used with the first one, but the midrange as I recall was magical at the time. I bought a second when I saw it, well because, I saw ... 
Speaker cables with good timbre
I’ve been happy with my AcousticZen Hologram cables for the exact reasons that you mention. They were originally recommended to me by someone praising their accuracy of timbre.  
Stereo Times Review on the SPL s900 amplifier
Definitely interested in hearing a real comparison of the Coda and the SPL given the exuberance around both. They seem to both be in a relative price range. Looking forward to more information regarding the two of them.  
Recommended tubes for LTA Preamp
I replaced the 12AT7s with Telefunken ECC801s. I replaced the 12SN7s with CBS/Hytron VT-231 per a recommendation from Brent Jessee. I definitely recommend reaching out to Brent. He is incredibly knowledgeable and extremely helpful. In my system, ... 
I have the Weiss 204 with the ModWright LPs upgrade and thing it sounds excellent. I think it has excellent resolution, wonderful tonality, and is vey open and clean sounding. A few things to note from my experience. First, the ModWright LPS is s... 
VU meters added to Cambridge Audio
Meters are for aesthetics. I think it is more important to focus on the sound than the light show. They will not inform you of anything important.