Banquo, Good to know that you finally found peace with Bill Thalmann. I don't know how you (and others) are managing to use more than one outboard pod with the SP10. The square escutcheon that surrounds the platter really interdicts the use of more than one tonearm, which must be placed alongside the right-hand edge of the square, which allows a short enough distance to the spindle to permit alignment of a 9- or 10-inch arm. From all other sides, perhaps only a 12-inch arm can be aligned. But obviously you are making it work, somehow. The Denon tt's present no problem in this regard.
Nandric, Removing the bottom of the SP10 chassis would be a big mistake, IMO. It would reduce structural integrity of the whole, leave the on-board electronics open to the elements, and eliminate any way to provide a solid mount for the tt.
Nandric, Removing the bottom of the SP10 chassis would be a big mistake, IMO. It would reduce structural integrity of the whole, leave the on-board electronics open to the elements, and eliminate any way to provide a solid mount for the tt.