A future city dweller's dilemma...

Hey all:

Just wanted to ask all the experts here your opinion on things. Currently I live in the suburbs where space and such is never an issue. But in the (very) near future I will (hopefully) be living in a condo in the *big city.* Which means, certain sacrifices have to be made... (IE: my Magnepan 1.6QRs).

So the question is this... What tablet speakers should I pick up for about the $1000 mark (used price.) The current equipment that I have (that I hopefully plan on taking with me) are the following:

Sonic Frontiers SFCD-1
XBox 360 (not really relevant, but wanted to throw that in)


Krell KAV-300r (Integrated Amp)
Cary Sixpac Monoblocks and
Dynaco PAS-3 Preamp

I currently have a pair of MMGs also (as a back up, bought it all for a good deal, but I loaned them to my uncle) Which I could always sell off or try using those instead.

For the most part I'm a jazz/vocals/instrumentals listening kind of guy for my CD collection.

I was originally look at any of the B&W tablettes but I don't think any of them are in my price range. Then I looked into ProAc's also which looks like that might do the trick. Can anyone recommend any others that I should look into?

Thanks all for your help in advance!

Going from a free standing house to a multi unit housing unit will create major problems in 'listening' conditions, mostly negative. Work to correct those problems before spending any funds on new equipment.
Maggies are one of the best low volume speakers in my opinion.

Match them up with a high current amp with damping factor of 50 or more into 8 ohm and they should really sing at typical condo listening levels.

Also, check out the discussion with Atmasphere on the "mo better bass" thread which describes a less common in practice yet intriguing scenario for how to coax more bass out of a system in lieu of a sub.
VMPS monitor. I think www.affordableaudio.org has a review in this month issue
Floor plan can be much more meaningful than square footage. Do the best you can in that regard and you may find that your current system can adapt. If not, then modify it as needed.
You are getting the cart before the horse with this post.

All we ever hear on this site is the importance of the room. Now you can start from scratch in selecting the most important component and go equipment shopping for speakers later if your Maggies can't adapt.
Hey everyone:

Thanks for all your responses! Let's see if i can respond to all of them:

Tiger: Not too familiar with the ProAc 1SC But I have heard the Tablette 2000(?) I think? As well as the Signature 3s. Pretty fantastic tablettes IMHO. How do those compare to the 1SC.?

Elizabeth: I absolutely plan on keeping the Maggies and defintitely trying out the spage first and see how it sounds.. Just threw this post up there as a "Worst Case Scenario" situation as to what I should look into just in case it doesn't work out. P.S. Are you really a female on the Audiogon boards??? WOW! So weirdly enough, do you need a HAF (Husband Appreciation Factor) when you get things for the house? That's pretty awesome!

Cleaneduphippy: Thanks for the tip! What are sound leaks? haha... But the whole building is new construction so hopefully it should be okay. Lots of concrete poured into the building. But I don't at all expect to playing it at volumes I normally play it at home now. Thanks again!

Jlamb: Joseph Audio? Never heard of them.. How do you compare it to ProAcs or B&Ws? But I'll definitely look into it though!

Mrjstark: Thanks for your help. Gonna look into those components. And opinions of your own on them?

Unsound: Thanks! I pretty much know which room I'll be using and where this set up will be. Not too many options with a condo. LOL.

Mapman: I agree. Its really nice that even at low volumes, the magnepans dont really lose the speed or clarity, even at low levels.

Tweak1: Thanks! will take a look at it! Have you auditioned them before?

Macrojack: Thanks for the input.. I'm still learning on how to set up a room. This is my first real system for anything and it's been such a learning experience. So hopefully I'll get it right here before I move into the condo.