I've used a number of cartridges on my TD150 with the TP13A arm, and I've had the most success with low- to medium-high compliance cartridges (20x10-6cm/Dyne or less, roughly). It's a light arm so counterintuitive to use a DL103 with it, but the combo was wonderful for me and outperformed the Denon (stock and Soundsmith rebuilt) on my AT 1005 MkII arm (on another table). I'm currently using vintage MMs with the table and enjoying them immensely.
Other than the DL103/103R to consider, other current production cartridges you might look at could include the Sumiko Pearl, Ortofon 2M Blue, and others you can find at the cartridge database using compliance numbers in the search function. I haven't tried a Grado on mine so I don't know if it will hum, but a nice used Platium would be be well within budget and you could sell if it didn't work well.
Other than the DL103/103R to consider, other current production cartridges you might look at could include the Sumiko Pearl, Ortofon 2M Blue, and others you can find at the cartridge database using compliance numbers in the search function. I haven't tried a Grado on mine so I don't know if it will hum, but a nice used Platium would be be well within budget and you could sell if it didn't work well.