A New Believer

I have listened to many systems over the years, and have never appreciated the difference speaker cables can make to a sound. In fact, I was so skeptical of the sound changes they can make that I have always not bothered with any special type of cables, generally going for generic (and dare I say it) roughly made ANY copper wire plugged in to amp and speaker. Well, imagine my surprise when I decided to do a blind test and listen to what difference cabling can make. Wow, my Vand 3A Sig's had been getting strangled! (some of you guys may want to strangle me if I told you what connects I had been using). So I am now a firm believer, cables DO make a difference.
I second the comment by Bill (Audiofeil), and the similar comment by Blkadr.

It's surprising how cable debates always seem to turn into arguments about whether differences do or don't exist, and ignore what is IMO the real question, how strong is the correlation between performance and price. See my post here for some thoughts on that question. (Ignore the first paragraph in that post, which is about a different subject).

-- Al
Some gear will be affected much more than others. The magnitude of difference a cable makes is largely dependent on what it is connectd to. It makes little sense to speak of cables without the specific equipment. Cables are passive. Ideally they should have no affect. In the real world, they may or may not make a difference, depending on the type, design and choice of equipment.
Sure cables are all basically serving the same function, but... you can buy cables made of a verity of materials implemented in a verity of ways. Why -must- it be impossible that they sound different?
Do a blind test and listen.Did you change the cables? Or did you have someone assist and you did the listening? Its important that you just listen and not know what cable is which.Then and only then can it be called a DOUBLE blind listening test.Also was your head in the same spot? The reason is that it could be nothing more then a comb effect. And I don't mean hair care.
I fully agree with Tubegroover's first comment; always trust your ears.

Sound advice with this caveat: don't jump to immediate conclusions based upon "your ears."
There have been numerous times when I have inserted a piece of equipment, cable, tweak, or whatever and noticed an immediate difference, and usually I interpret this difference as better. After living with the change for a week or two I notice the difference is gone. After configuring my system to the pre-change condition I still hear no difference. What's going on here?
Another reason to let your ears guide you over time and not immediately is the no system change but different sounding phenomenon. Maybe this has never happened to everyone but it is quite frequent with me. Sometimes, last night was a good example, my system sounds fantastic while other times it sounds good or merely adequate. This occurs over the course of a month where zero changes have taken place. What's going on here?
I chalk it up to mood or physical condition. Am I the only one who experiences this?
We "hear" lots of differences so trust your ears. Just make sure your ears can consistently hear the differences before believing they are real.