A speaker stand with room for an amp?

I have rather large 2-way stand/bookshelf speakers and I'm thinking of going 100% active with them.  They have an external passive crossover already, so there's nothing to rewire internally.  What would be nice is if there were room for a small Class D stereo amplifier to be hidden in the stand.  Even better if it was adjustable for angle. 


@erik_squires wrote:

I’m not running a broad based research project here.

Some would simply refer to it as going down the rabbit hole, actively in this context and within the confinements of time, energy, capabilities and budget. Budget is typically the lesser issue, whereas one’s overall commitment and keeping an open mind through the process is the real determinant of the outcome.

We’re seeing left and right the investment, one way and the other, audiophiles put into their setups with passively configured speakers, but every now and then the occasion presents itself with an active system, albeit mostly via bundled, preconfigured solutions. So, when the rarer occasion arises with an outboard active approach, DIY at that, it’s where I’m thinking that it has to be explored more broadly, like one would with a passively configured setup, but that’s just me (and others as well, it seems).

That is to say: active is more than mere plug-and-play and convenience from a more or less bundled package; it offers all you can throw at it, more than you could passively even, and the permutations and sheer potential here from a better amp-to-driver interface is intriguing to say the least. It’s what you make of it.

I have specific needs I want to accomplish. I will use a stereo amplifier for each speaker and I will put each amplifier underneath a speaker.

Yes, that’s obvious by now, and fair enough. Hope it turns out to your liking.

Unfortunately (for some of the replies) this is not an experiment in amplifier matching. While horizontal bi-amping may be a fun thing to do, simplifying and minimizing cables, devices and speaker distances is high on the list.

In an ideal world I would find a single stereo amp with built in DSP crossover and EQ capabilities to drive each speaker.

I can find small enough stereo enclosures for the amp modules I already have but I can’t find them with a built in crossover. Hypex and miniDSP and Dayton offer plate amps with all these features and miniDSP’s just happens to fit the back panel.

The alternative, a single stereo amp under each speaker is still do-able but leaves me with an external crossover and 2 XLR cables going to each amplifier.

Hi everyone!

Do you think this request by erik_squires is relevant to many people? Is there a desire among audiophiles to shorten speaker cables? How often have you met such people?
I'm asking because I'm looking to produce a variety of stereo stands, so I might be able to include similar models in my lineup, but only if there's a demand for them. And the shelf for the amplifier can be made vibration-decoupled from the rack body.

I just finished building a couple of prototype speaker stands back in the middle of June, where the speakers sit on the top shelf and the amplifier on a lower shelf. The amps are not hidden (not a requirement for me) nor is the angle of the speaker shelf adjustable, but it wouldn’t be too difficult to incorporate either option into a stand.