A Suggestion Regarding Removal Of Posts

Three suggestions for providing greater transparency in why certain actions are taken. 

When a post is removed from a thread it now reads "Post Removed" followed by the date.  I suggest it should include who the poster was and the reason why the post was removed.

A thread could be terminated, but not removed.  The moderates should be able to stop any new posts from being added to a thread, but the thread should be available for viewing and archived.

Lastly, give the starter of a thread and only the starter the option of removing posts from that thread because they are "Off Topic".  The OP can help by stating right at the start what they consider "Off Topic".  The person who posted the "Off Topic" post can be given the option of staring a new thread.

Just a few thoughts with the intent of making Audiogon More Friendly Again!


The longest threads invariably are the ones that are the most contentious. If we all agreed there wouldn't be the need of a FORUM right?

Their sandbox, their rules. If you invite me over for supper and I insult your cooking you are not inviting me back. Not censorship. False equivalency. 

Not censorship, true. But then neither is it a forum when the rules of participation are kept secret and then enforced without explanation by arbitrary whim.


If you take your mouse or finger and go to the lower right hand corner of someone's post you will see:  🏁 Report this.

This gets the moderators attention, however only gets seen if a contributor uses it, so more likely than not a contributor or a number of contributors start the post removal ball rolling.

Not censorship, true. But then neither is it a forum when the rules of participation are kept secret and then enforced without explanation by arbitrary whim.

Those who complain about the moderators here are almost invariably those with the least to contribute. The rules of this forum are clearly explained, and you’ll find them in plain English here and here.

Here’s part of the guidance you seem to not understand:

Act professionally and use common sense
Audiogon is a business site; all members are responsible for maintaining a professional and cordial demeanor on and off the site including our forums.