
Responses from hickamore

Got Hit With My First Tariff today
@inna Can you explain how we might recognize a "non-ridiculous" thread on this topic if it should appear? Because I would consider such a discussion to be of first-magnitude importance.  @mattw73 I too have a pre-tariff paid backorder (Canadian, n... 
Help me build up a jazz album collection. Can you suggest a must have album?
If I could save only two, they would be: Ramsey Lewis Trio, Pot Luck Dave Brubeck Quartet, Live at Brandenburg Gate  
Has it all been worth it?
Don't regret a moment of it or a dollar of it, although many of both were "wasted" as viewed in 20/20 hindsight. For many of us there have always been limitations and side constraints. Who has the time and money to build a perfect listening room w... 
Comments on Fanfare FM-2G - FM Antenna
Have owned and carried around a Fanfare FM-2G for 40 years without ever getting a chance to use it. At last, that day is coming with connection to an MD-108T. Question: being omni, will it be better mounted in a casement window well than trapped o... 
Qobuz vs Tidal
Many different experiences here, but I started with Tidal, found MQA intolerable, learned about Qobuz, made the switch; difference was clear immediately and I never looked back. Not that Qobuz is perfect. Often an artist's definitive recording wil... 
What do the statistics say about the age of Audiophiles and the replacement rate?
@bdp24 Brother Hitch, as we called him, was a dear friend, although neither a melomaniac nor an audiophile. Like Molly Ivins, living larger than life allows but leaving unforgettable shadows.  That said, the dearth of good new music is sufficient ... 
«40% Of Audiophiles Are Dying And No One Is Doing Anything About It!»
As a septuagenarian still acquiring new gear I'm fully conscious of whistling past the graveyard. No relative surviving me will want any of this stuff. My estate auctioneer won't even discover the hi-fi aftermarket. But that's OK. Got a dear frien... 
Beware: Magnum Dynalab are not "doing repairs, upgrades or service right now"!!
@superbike What a relief your last post is for me. Just yesterday ordered an MD-105T from Dealer B after being told by Dealer A that delivery would be September earliest. Today Dealer B says backordered, "usually 7 -10 days," but I know they are r... 
USB and Coaxial at the same time?
@fthompson251 If you highly prefer USB I assume that is because Terminator clock is superior to Aurender clock?  
Does anyone listen to the radio anymore?
Never been without a tuner since 1974. NPR and college stations. Well-produced local music shows are among my very favorite things. More distant stations need streaming via a Cambridge backup unit that allows individual station selection. Evidentl... 
what is more popular silver or black face plates
Wonder whether those who prefer black boxes that "disappear" are the same ones who hide all the kitchen appliances lest someone suspect -- horrors! -- that actual cooking might be done there.   
what is more popular silver or black face plates
A great many worthy components are available ONLY in black, or with token flashes of chrome. Black buttons on a black background in a dark room is not my idea of functionality -- or beauty. For me it's industrial chrome (silver) or nothing -- almo... 
@cleeds  <<The challenge is finding a tech qualified and equipped to align these tuners.>>  No kidding. Got an 85lb powered sub, no one local can install new amp board. Friend inherited a nice TEAC R2R that needed attention -- no lu... 
With the 25% tariff on Canadian goods due to hit tomorrow, some of us looking at MD may be confined to the used market. Wish I too had a vintage tuner -- that still worked or could be repaired!  
@decooney There are a few A'gon threads on tuners. 90% of the posts concern vintage gear still working. From what I can tell, nothing has changed.