This misses the point.
If people and a goodly size population say they prefer vinyl then the job is to explain why they do.
Unless you can do this scientifically then you are failing to apply the rules you espouse to others to yourself.
I don’t believe the answer lies in expectation bias caused by the cultural rituals associated with vinyl either just like addiction to cocain isn’t because people love jabbing themselves with needles.
i suggest the answer lies in the sound differences between the two media. And I’ve not seen much scientific information or study identifying the differences and then comparing preferences in blind tests either. There’s great scope for study here.
If people and a goodly size population say they prefer vinyl then the job is to explain why they do.
Unless you can do this scientifically then you are failing to apply the rules you espouse to others to yourself.
I don’t believe the answer lies in expectation bias caused by the cultural rituals associated with vinyl either just like addiction to cocain isn’t because people love jabbing themselves with needles.
i suggest the answer lies in the sound differences between the two media. And I’ve not seen much scientific information or study identifying the differences and then comparing preferences in blind tests either. There’s great scope for study here.