A very good ENGINEERING explanation of why analog can not be as good as digital..


There will still be some flat earthers who refuse to believe it....
Those should watch the video a second or third time :-)
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This misses the point. 
If people and a goodly size population say they prefer vinyl then the job is to explain why they do. 
Unless you can do this scientifically then you are failing to apply the rules you espouse to others to yourself.
I don’t believe the answer lies in expectation bias caused by the cultural rituals associated with vinyl either just like addiction to cocain isn’t because people love jabbing themselves with needles.
i suggest the answer lies in the sound differences between the two media. And I’ve not seen much scientific information or study identifying the differences and then comparing preferences in blind tests either. There’s great scope for study here.
No mention of harmonic content, the intentional listening experience of vinyl, or the necessarily more dynamic nature of vinyl releases when compared to their modern digital counterpart.   And the loudness war has been there since vinyl.  Fear is not arbitrary at all. Waste of time 14 mins. 
Play a good recording on an SME 30/2, fitted with a Koetsu Rhodonite cartridge. Then play the digital version of the same recording using the highest rated DACs and tell me analog isn't superior. Yeah... Insert LMAO emoji here>
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