AA capitole mk2 VS. Wadia 861

I'm in the process of downsizing to a single box player!
Seems it's down to two units!?
So, is there anyone out there which has compaired these two units head to head?
I've read many things, and as it seems it's leaning towards the capitole going off as the winner...!!?
But, is it really the better of these two ?
Anyone able to pin down what is the different,
talking sound-characteristics and philosphy between these two combatants?

Most thankful for every avaible info
The Wadia is more compressed sounding. The AA is a MUCH better sounding player. I've had both.
The audio aero wins hands down, there is no listening fatigue. Very few cd players at any price range can offer the musical enjoyment that can be had from the AA cap. MKII, I have never owned wadia, but have auditioned them many many times and always leave feeling very dissapointed.
I've had both and the Audio Aero is a lot better to my ear. I'd say the Wadia sounds electronic or digital compared to the natural sound of the Capitole.