AB testing of power regenerators?? Ever do it?

Ever since the first grade I've been fascinated by clean power and how it impacts my audio system.  During recess I would escape to a nearby audio shop to see the latest Power conditioners and regenerators.

PS Audio seems to be the dominant player in power regeneration with their mystery box for thousands of dollars.

I don't have a power regenerator (I do use a power conditioner), and sometimes the sound coming through my system is alot nicer and I wonder if it's related to electrons flowing out of the wall, and would it be better to rejuvenate via regenerater all those electrons?

With that being said has anyone done AB testing of a power regenerator which is extremely easy to do to see the difference? And what are your findings? 



I did some quick A/B testing between my older PS Audio Power Plant P5 and the Bryston BIT-15 which is based on a balanced power transformer (it's mostly a rebadged Torus design I think). In my system the Bryston offered noticeable improvement in dynamics and background blackness, with no down sides at all.

Now I have a Puritan PSM156 on the way to see if that is even better, or if I should stick with the Bryston. 

I imagine this is really dependent on the power situation in your town and your particular home as well. That probably explains why there is so many completely different opinions on the topic. 

I’ve done A/B testing over the years with various amps. Some benefited greatly, some didn’t. It depends on how tolerant the power supply is to poor quality power. Now I just use it for all my components and don’t worry about it.


PS  the power at my house has consistently 2-4% distortion.  the output of the regenerator is .1%,