well said....
... abit confused: how does a power cord affect the presentation of sound...
Hello to all...
I was shifting around components in my system, trying to squeeze out better controlled bass, more definition within the soundstage, and better define the "voice/midrange" presentation...
I presently have a tube preamp (hardwired with a wall wart) into an HT Receiver; source is a Marantz SA-8001 CD Player
Swapped out a Yamaha HTR -5550 (hardwired) for a Parasound HCA-750A (which needs a power cord).
CD Player is powered with a PS Audio Statement SC power cord, so I went in my closet and pulled out another PS AUDIO Statement SC power cord, hooked it up and expect to give it at least 5 days continuous re-break-in before serious listening.
Took a minute to lookup reviews about this power cord - and I read some rather confusing reviews: some luved 'um, some liked 'um, but some thought them " ...slow... " (?), and giving a veiled presentation...
I'm gonna listen and decide myself - but I'm abit confused: how does a power cord affect the presentation of sound - I know that interconnects and speaker cables would/could/Do affect sound presentation - but how could a power cord?
Explanation/thoughts please...
I was shifting around components in my system, trying to squeeze out better controlled bass, more definition within the soundstage, and better define the "voice/midrange" presentation...
I presently have a tube preamp (hardwired with a wall wart) into an HT Receiver; source is a Marantz SA-8001 CD Player
Swapped out a Yamaha HTR -5550 (hardwired) for a Parasound HCA-750A (which needs a power cord).
CD Player is powered with a PS Audio Statement SC power cord, so I went in my closet and pulled out another PS AUDIO Statement SC power cord, hooked it up and expect to give it at least 5 days continuous re-break-in before serious listening.
Took a minute to lookup reviews about this power cord - and I read some rather confusing reviews: some luved 'um, some liked 'um, but some thought them " ...slow... " (?), and giving a veiled presentation...
I'm gonna listen and decide myself - but I'm abit confused: how does a power cord affect the presentation of sound - I know that interconnects and speaker cables would/could/Do affect sound presentation - but how could a power cord?
Explanation/thoughts please...
Showing 26 responses by mahgister
:) Prints are real, poetry is not.... My wife perfume are real, his love is not... For me it is the reverse.... Clocks are material artefact then illusory without the consciousness that read them and create them.... Pressure waves are illusory phenomena if not interpretated by consciousness... You read too much bad science....Matter does not exist at all, by the way since Planck discovery... I apologize for my sarcasm.... But.... Awake yourself.... By the way read about prime numbers they are more complex than the universe, they are infinite, and they are printed nowwhere like the truest poetry... |
Read books by Bernardo Kastrup it is not too heavy and are very good... My master thinker is Goethe and countless others .... No i am not a dualist at all.... :) Matter does not exist since 1925 (quantum mechanics) except for some engineer... :) If you like physics read David Bohm a friend of Einstein and a Dirac Disciple... For the brain the more simple to read is holographic idea by Pribram a friend of Bohm... For Pribram a very influential neurologist the brain is an active fractal antenna and the universe is a kind of hologram.... The matrix idea in cinema are only materialistic gross interpretation of that by some A. I. transhumanist engineers.... |
You completely miss my point.... I am afraid that i cannot go on with this subject here.... Too long to explain.... But in a word the consciousness is linked to the brain like a radio is linked to the music or a TV to the meteo summary but neither are in the radio or in the Tv... The Brain is an antenna sort of....Conciouness is like the voice that seems to be in the radio and seems to be in the Tv but are not there at all... The brain is a fractal antenna.... In 3 words my metaphor resume my point..... |
You are not wrong djones....Not completely right also.... :) But in spite of this laudable medical motivation the paradigm that brain create consciousness is greatly sponsored by Google lobbying and this paradigm is relatively new in human history (200 hundred years) and in the verge to be replaced tomorrow by a more spiritual conception, it is beginning now for those who read in all areas of science.... Read Hameroff and Penrose for example.... It was also the opinion of John Eccles Nobel neurologist etc... I will repeat myself, "correlations" between the coming out of consciousness or his manifestation and anesthesiological technique for is temporary suppression in the sensible world are not proof nor cause of his genesis by the brain... Correlations and causes are 2 different business and concepts.... People must work hard to perceive the whole and the wholeness, they easily confine themselves to external parts of phenomena.... |
Sure new paradigm slowly manifest ... Affirming that brain create consciousness is not science, at best it is a working hypothesis.... the main actual one for a short time again , but no more a sound working hypothesis only but today mainly an ideology paid by transhumanist theologians... Research go where the money want it to go.... Textbook in neurology are old after few years.... :) But djones i will give you the point of victory, because my experience and opinion are not mainstream science for now.....My point is made and i dont want to argue too much.... :) |
Sound like vibrations exist without consciousness.... But a non interpretated sound by no consciousness is not a "sound" .... certainly not a musical sound....Or a speech sound.... The fact that exist correlations between the manifestation of consciousness and some material measured phenomena in the brain are in no way the proof that the brain create consciousness.... Magazine are "magazine" not science in the philosophical purest sense.... The title of this article is on par with advertisement in Audio magazine ( "How our brain generates consciousness -- and loses it" )... :) One of the best specialist of anesthesia in the world Stuart Hameroff is a friend of Roger Penrose and none of the two think that brain create consciousness, it is the reverse.... But textbooks and articles are often loaded with old paradigm.... in audio and in science.... By the way the source of this article is : Data Science Institute at Columbia Guess who gives them money? probably google and their crowd of transhumanist ideologue.... |
We create the music.We create with love even ourself...And it is not a placebo experience at all.....Or is it not also a beneficial one? Why not, illusion and reality are like 2 entwined snakes, the emblem of medecine.... :) I would wish i could listen to Bill Charlap, a tremendous jazz pianist i just discovered today, on your new speakers.....He sound gorgeous on my modest audio system :) |
:) The brain is not a machine... It is impossible to waste it.... Consciousness is linked to a work not mostly of the brain, but of myself on myself....The waste is in this lack of "my" work.... Brain dont create consciousness, except in very old science textbook.... And brain is not a computer nor an A.I. except for some similarities in the focus of some engineers mostly paid by Google.... :) Like the eye is not a camera except for some similarities .... This is well said: « The human eye is not a recording device, like a camera, but is more like an intelligent search engine that actively sorts through the visual information that is continuously streaming toward it. Visual perception is, in fact, the act of visual selection.» from the net... |
You will hear it when you believe it.Equating all perception with hallucinations and placebos is first, self defeating, and second, immature knowledge... Think 5 seconds about that: how do you explain a step by step incremental process of qualitative modifications translating in a better S. Q. ; a sustained hallucination in time ? « We need brain with the ears but especially some consciousness » -myself |
Some violonist choose ancient instrument some other modern one, in these interesting tests, the choice tough is for each their own.... Thanks for this more than interesting article djones.... In an audio system the choices of components is not objective truth also....In some case cables whatever the price makes little differences, greater in other case.... At all times trust your ears for choosing something you will love, not for establishing objective truths.... « Truth hurt my ears, your voice do not » - Groucho Marx |
If a power filter is required (and it does!) buy a power filter.Any addition of an active electronic component, never mind how small, will add to the noise level... :) At least a cord add not a noise of his own being passive....Engineering is the art of trade-off...There is always a cost to pay if someone add an electronic component to the gear or to the system....What i say is about active filter, but passive filter is perhaps a good idea... I prefer my minerals and stones.... :) Yes, i use passive minerals to filter my grid.... With success at peanuts costs... I will not argue further because adult brain are opinionated and my goal was reach, hi-fi at low cost, and with only non orthodox homemade methods... I succeed... :) If i had confidence only in measurements the cost to improve would have been way higher.... Happily i trust only my ears and play with the 3 dimensional embeddings of my audio system with my ears experiments guidance only... :) « Dont ask if it is possible, create it» - Groucho Marx « It dont take genius, it takes only time» -Harpo Marx |
He is a great dac designer but he is sometimes very surprizing for me and i learned listening to him or reading him few years ago....Especially about noise. and what is audible by humans...But many things he say pass over my head.... :) I bought a dac so good i never look back.... Then i read no more to understand this technology.... :) |
You are right djones.... Pseudosciences is not orthodox science, it is false or mad science or sometimes, but more rarely, not yet recognized future science..... My affirmation after my own experiments that shungite+ copper work all along my electrical grid is not orthodox science, it is madness or simply an unrecognized fact for future science or engineering research.... :) You can call me mad.... It is only my experience tough....And i was doing it for my S.Q. not for science for sure.... But how can a piece of shungite or quartz can have so opposite effect on an electrical field? Part of the answer is already known science, perhaps something is lacking tough.... |
https://www.avsforum.com/forum/173-2-channel-audio/3061980-rob-watts-dac-design-other-audio-musings.html It is an interesting video... He speak about you can hear the difference between noise floor of -200dB vs -175dB. Perhaps he knows his trade- off business.... :) My own experince and experiments teach me that some pieces of minerals anywhere all along the electrical grid modify the sound coming from this modification of the noise floor... Discuss with him for brain resolving power in hearing .... :) I put bags of beach peebles on the external electrical cable of my house and guess what that makes audible difference... Rob Watts says that even adding a small electronic chips in a dac add noise that is audible by him.... He knows perhaps something.... I will let these arguments here.... I am absolutely not knowledgeable in engineering but i only want to speak about my simple experiments.... I use these experiments to improve my own audio system beyond all expectation.... Believe what you want.... I cannot change beliefs.... I am only interested in simple way too improve my system and it is working astoundingly at peanuts costs....All my controls methods are homemade and i had no scientific explanation for some.... :) |
Rob Watts the designer of dac even use noise floor modulation (
Noise modulation is the undesirable variation of the noise floor )to increase the power of resolution and naturalness of his dac : « What does noise floor modulation sound like? Noise floor modulation is extremely important subjectively - you perceive the slightest amount as a brightness or hardness to the sound. When it gets bad, you hear glare or grain in the treble. Less noise floor modulation, smoother sound quality. The curious thing about this is that the brain is very sensitive to it, so you can easily hear it. Problem is that many listeners hear the brightness as more detail resolution, and so think it sounds better - but that’s another story.» |
Nobody hears the noise floor directly... We hears a modification of the sound coming from some noise ocean floor so to speak....( the electrical grid of the house is an "ocean" of noise ) When engineer design the electronic component they do so trying also to decrease the noise floor of each electronic components composing an amplifier or a dac for example... It is always a trade off, because ANY new component will work but with a cost of his own in term of noise...It is a compensation business for the engineer to controls the effects of the noise.... Like you already know i am not a scientist, this is my experience and reading... |
:) my own ignorance .... You are right for sure a fuse is not related directly to the working of the amplifier.... but that does not change the fact that anything that is in the audio system or in the electrical grid act on his own increasing or decreasing the noise floor... Be it even some passive minerals or an electronic component.... Electronic design on this perspective is an art of the trade-off.... |
A fuse is necessary for the amplifier to work... If the fuses modify the amplifier working and not only enables it, Then the amplifier is broken, Because the fuses cannot makes the amplifier works and modifying it at the same times.... But wait a minute, is the working and non working of an amplifier are not also a modification of the amplifier? Your argument is not an argument sorry.....It is a mantra, a disguised opinion but definitively not an argument.... By the way i dont have any experience with the changes of fuses in a piece of audio....My opinion is that there must be differences, but my opinion is only that, my actual opinion, not an argument because i never try or experiment it.... |
Opinions are only opinions.... Make an experiment to feel the effect of minerals on an amplifier electrical field... Put a shungite piece over the transformer of the amplifier.... Feel the compression of the sound... After that put a big Herkimer diamond and feel an expansion of the sound field... This is no more opinion now, it is an experience.... Only experiment can give me S.Q. in my audio system... Opinions has no value.... even mine.... :) |
It does not matter how filthy the river is for as long as the water is cleaned before entering our bodies.Very good remark....But, i will only add that the electrical field of the house is one entity and anything put all along, even before "entering our bodies" will change it and affect the sound quality in a way or in another.... I know i experiment it and not with cables only.... |
My own experiments, not with cable tough, prove to my ears that all the electrical grid of the house is ONE entity in the perspective of an audio system... Anything i put all along, modify the S.Q. i experimented with my own creation homemade device and various stones and minerals.... Then thinking that a power cord will affect the S.Q. is more than probable for me, never mind the equations that some will throw at my head to the contrary... :) |