About Lugnut -- Patrick Malone

Many of us have come to know Patrick Malone (Lugnut) as a friendly, helpful, knowledgeable and kind individual. He is a frequent and enthusiastic contributor to our analog discussion forum. He has initiated only 17 threads, but responded to 559 threads. I would guess that many, if not most, of us can recall a time when Pat replied with helpful advice to a question we posted or helped us track down a rare recording. I have come to love Pat as a friend, and to respect him as a man, and I suspect many of you share those feelings.

Today I write to share difficult news with you. Pat has been diagnosed with an aggressive stomach cancer. It has yet to be determined whether surgery will even be worth it. If surgery is performed, most or all of the stomach will be removed, and Pat would face a difficult and long post-op period in the hospital. The medical course is still uncertain, but will be determined soon. Whatever is decided, it will not be easy or pleasant.

Something may be planned in the future to assist the family. For now, Pat could use some of the friendship he so often and willingly showed us. You can email Pat at: lugnut50@msn.com. You can also mail cards, letters ... or whatever. You may email me for Pat's mailing address. My email is: pfrumkin1@comcast.net.

I hope to spend a few days with Pat in Idaho or Nebraska (from which he hails) soon. Between this news, my legal work, getting ready for family arriving for the holidays, Audio Intelligent, and trying to make plans to visit Pat, my head is spinning. If you email me and I don't respond, please understand that I am not ignoring you, but rather simply do not have time to reply.

Pat may or may not have time to respond to posts here, to emails, or to cards mailed to him. But he has asked me to convey to each and every one of you that he has cherished your friendship, your comradery, and sharing our common hobby on this great website.

As we prepare for our holiday season celebrations, and look forward to -- as we should -- enjoying this time of year, I ask that you keep Pat and his family in mind ... and softly offer up, in quiet moments in the still of night and early morning, prayers for Pat and his family. God bless.

Warmest regards to all,
Paul Frumkin
From the moment I picked you and Barb up at the airport on Friday, it felt like I was with family. Sure, as we've discussed previously in this thread, it would be only appropriate to chronicle this weekend as something even greater than it was, as though answering to that human inclination to make heroes of one another. But dammit, it's all true! Pat and Barb just go straight to your heart, and it's as simple as that. Spending the weekend with them was the highlight of my year.

Despite having talked a lot this weekend, I did not get the chance to tell you (Pat and Barb) that I nearly missed the opportunity to be with my wife, Gina. When I met her, I found her to be enjoyable. But she had not traveled, she wasn't my physical type, she had not finished college, and we shared no common hobby interests, except for motorcycles. However, by the grace of whatever force you care to call it, it dawned on me over dinner one evening that I was looking in the wrong place if I wanted to have a life-long relationship with someone. And in that instant, I realized that life blossoms in Gina's presence. People feel at their best when they are with her. Now, that is certainly a quality that could sustain a relationship forever, and it is exactly what I immediately felt from you and Barb. You give life to those around you. I saw it over and over, all weekend long. In my view, this is the very pinnacle of humanity, sparking life in a way that makes you inseparable from those around you.

Thank you both again for being who you are. That in itself is truly overwhelming.
I'm having a heckuva' time seeing through the tears to type this crap. Your "We're Back..." post is a touching, eloquent account of your trip.

I really enjoyed meeting you and Barb. It did seem we were all fast friends. I find it odd that the internet has been a vehicle to meeting such a great group of friends. It seems a fundamental sea-change in community is occuring.

Through this forum and the Asylum where I more frequently haunt, (and formerly RAHE), I've met true friends, many of whom are Bay Area based. Pat, the folks you mention, Tuan, Eric, John, Jacob, Howard and many more get together at eachother's homes and share our systems and music. What a joy to be able to commiserate over this obsession with like-minded loonies. I'm glad to add you to the club.

SF is truly a magical city. In '89 I had a friend give me a whilrwind weekend tour, and I left saying, "Pack my bags, I'm moving to San Francisco." Before the ring of my voice died out I found myself moving to SF, just before the big '89 earthquake. I never looked back.

You should have no trouble finding the Reiner/Lt. Kije as the Aalto reissue. It's an HP /Absolute Sound fave I believe.

I'm glad you made the effort and came and visited us in SF, good to know y'all, and keep those flies fresh...


http://cgi.audioasylum.com/systems/474.html (Includes a shot of the room.)
Pat may retread but he will never retire, right Pat?

I am happy for you. I've been to SF many times and it is a beautiful city with much to offer and (generally) excellent weather.

I wish I could have joined, although it's probably better I didn't go, what with Pat and I fighting over all those LP's. The images I saw looked like I missed some great sound systems and beautiful homes.

My sincere thanks to you guys for making Pat and Barb feel at home.
Boy what a nice time you all had, kinda makes me wish I was able to find some quality folks who also enjoy audio, I have made several great friends here and so far have been fortunate to meet two, and one exciting one to come.
All of you should take a bow, reading these inspirational meetings is a boost to us all, I am thrilled you guys had such a great time.
Thanks for sharing your trip in such great detail. I am only sorry not to have been tagging along. It sounds like an incredible trip with great people. San Francisco is just a wonderful place to spend some time.
Glad you are smiling.....and it shows with your post.
Best Regards,