About to audition Vienna Acoustics Beethoven Grand Reference - advice?

I have been listening to Aerial Acoustics 7Bs ( 86 dB sensitivity) for nearly 20 years.  About to audition the VA Beethoven Grand Reference.  90 dB sensitivity.  $12k.  I have a Balanced Audio Technology VK75SE - 75 watts.  700 Joules of power.
Question #1: I always felt the Aerials were under powered.  I'm going to hear the VA BGR with a Pass amp -- not tubes.  Does anyone have any LISTENING experience with this new speaker using 75 watts of tube power?
Question #2: Suggestions for speakers in the $8-12K range ... good for full orchestra (think Mahler 5th), jazz (HHancock, Miles, FHubbard etc), female vocals and 70s rock (Zep, AC/DC, Neil, Yes, Genesis).  Aesthetics are VERY important.  And space is an issue, so no large panels.


Showing 4 responses by jmfawdofile

Thanks all for the suggestions.  I failed to add that the aesthetics of the speaker is extremely important.  I can't live with Focals or Wilsons.  Or the VA Liszt or a few others.  They sit in a semi-formal living room.  And the VA Beethoven Grand Reference is like a twin to the Aerial 7B.  It sounds great and looks great.  Now I just have to get the speaker cables right.

Hi All
Thanks for the suggestions. Sorry I didn't get back to you.  Just been overwhelmed.

Theo and gregm,
I've listened to the Focals -- several. And liked them.  The huge monitors are amazing. And several Wilsons (which I did not like -- too clinical.)  
I loved the 7Bs...but they were showing their age every time I listened to new speakers. Not fast, and low sensitivity for my amp. The finish is still mint. I moved them to my second system - Spectral amp and pre. Now they growl! I removed the SUB. No longer needed. They were starved for current -- not just watts. And they are in a smaller room.

I was able to spend half a day in Philly on 3/13 and listened to the Viennas.  Loved them.  Bought them.  Had them delivered by mask-wearing folks a few days later.  Thrilled I have them now.  Whenever I think the amp or speakers are bass shy, I put on some Micky Hart and quickly realize the recording I was listening to lacks bass.  These (not) babies ROCK.  Scared me a few times on AC/DC.  And Mahler!   The change in sensitivity is significant.  No bi-wire option, but seems OK.  I've got Van Den Hul cables on loan...for a while it appears.  Not sure I love them.  I've heard better from AQ.  Thoughts on that front?

Hi Theo
Where are you located?  They are in Philly at David Lewis Audio.  The Reference sound great at low and high volumes...but the Focals do have an added zing.  I just cannot live with the look of them.  And without the covers on, they don't look right.  The finish on the VAs is exceptional.  Mine are in cherry.  I have been experimenting with different cables that I have at home (since The Cable Co lending library is currently closed).  The difference is not minor.

I'm going to play some Nugent now!!  Thanks for the suggestion.

Thanks!  I get we all have our preferences and aesthetics. And none of us have heard every combination in every space. I’m well aware the VAs are not wow-sounding Focals etc., but I vastly prefer the look and natural sound. And I find the sound gorgeous as opposed to stunning. I can listen all day. And the amp/speaker match is fine — thank you. I can scare myself, and probably shatter a window. AC/DC is doing just fine. As is The Who — loud. Oh, and so is jazz, chamber music and female vocal. These are not the Baby Beethoven’s. They are the Reference. Go listen, those who wonder. And Steve, thank you. 