About users with hidden agendas

If you know that a user is a dealer and they fail to disclose and attacks other users because they make a point against their interest, do you expose the user?

I know of a gentleman here that continuously posts and goes after people and does not disclose who he is. 

What are the ethics of this forum?

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One crosses over into “shill” territory for me when a product is consistently and unconditionally pitched to all on the sole totally subjective merit of “better sound”.

That clearly indicates selling the product no matter what is all that matters.

That my friend is “shilling”. Persistently pitching to anyone no matter what because it is assumed it will always “sound better”. Also if it turns out it doesn’t, most likely the shill will never place the blame on the product sold under false pretenses.  Bad for sales!

I had a hidden agenda but i sell nothing save creativity :

Audiophile experience with the three embeddings controls of the working electrical mechanical and acoustical dimensions for the cost of peanuts...

Audio is plagued by mass market conditioning to UPGRADE gear and ignorance of the three embeddings controlled or uncontrolled working dimensions of ANY audio system and the way to optimize ANY system...

Ignorance of acoustic and promotion of costly "tweaks" with no systematic simple method to optimize audio system is a catastrophy that create a tail chase and great unsatifaction and frustration...

My posts are for the "poor" audiophile...People with money will never use a straw to transform acoustically their room unless the straw cost was 1,000 bucks, anyway they will not even believe it is possible ... 😁😊

I have created a solution for "rich" audiophile:

If someone want to buy one straw i pay them less than one cent at Wallmart but i will send you one for only 100 bucks, you will save 900 buck on their regular price... I must pay my research cost in acoustic after all....


Seriously i dont care about the gear product branded names...Electronical engineering is mature industry able to give us plenty of good product at all price...

I care about electrical,mechanical and especially acoustical method to embed ANY system and optimize it so much that upgrading will appear almost meaningless with ANY gear and at any PRICE...


«The way we walk matter more than the road we take sometimes»-Anonymus Smith

«I use the walls and the room pressure zones guided by my ears drums to improve my speakers drivers workings»-Anonymus Acoustician

«Are you saying that the speakers branded name choice or cost matter less than the zone pressures distributions of the room?» Anonymus Audiophile

«Yes, it is a not so much hidden agenda now » -Anonymus acoustician