Absolute top tier DAC for standard res Redbook CD

Hi All.

Putting together a reference level system.
My Source is predominantly standard 16/44 played from a MacMini using iTunes and Amarra. Some of my music is purchased from iTunes and the rest is ripped from standard CD's.
For my tastes in music, my high def catalogues are still limited; so Redbook 16/44 will be my primary source for quite some time.

I'm not spending DCS or MSB money. But $15-20k retail is not out of the question.

Upsampling vs non-upsampling?
USB input vs SPDIF?

All opinions welcome.

And I know I need to hear them, but getting these ultra $$$ DAC's into your house for an audition ain't easy.

Looking for musical, emotional, engaging, accurate , with great dimension. Not looking for analytical and sterile.
Hi CalvinJ, after a few years of happy ownership, I am still very much in love with my Vienna Die Muzik... Totally effortless, with fantastic stage and extension, and all those fine things that I like to call rich complexity, and bass to die for -- provided your room is large enough to avoid bass over-exhuberance. Can Die Muzik be bested?

Yes of course, by Matt for example, who has discovered an uber Die Muzik in his Dynaudios.

And of course by anyone who prefers a different sound signature instead.

Saluti, G.
Guidocorona. One a few could stop de musik it's a wonderful pleasing speaker.oh so musical. Vienna acoustics rich and textured
What can I say CalvinJ... DIe Muzik is my uber-cup of audible ambrosia.. But I recognize that what I find so immersive that it makes me forget that the outside world even exists, might leave someone else bored to the marrow.

Saluti, G.
Berkeley Reference DAC fed spdif direct from Aurender N10 (about 160 hours on the Berk Ref and about 330 hours on the N10):

Physically, the Berkeley is absolutely stunning. A solid piece of beautifully honed metal with tolerances that NASA would be proud of. Ultimately simple in setup and simpler still in control. A few buttons that offer as few options as possible and make it practically impossible for this DAC to do anything but make music from incoming zeros and ones… Pick the input, set the output volume (54.0 is you are using it Unity Gain) and listen. The remote is very nice and well laid out; and completely useless if you aren't using it for volume control. If you are, then its great and very comfortable in the hand; I really liked.

I have not yet run it direct to amps. I have done so time and again and always found I liked it running through the pre-amp better. But I will continue to try to be fair.

Digital inputs on back give the typical Berkeley offerings with the typical Berkeley lack of USB, relying on their external USB to SPDIF converter, which my neighbor happened to order (what a swell guy!). It locked instantly onto any signal and stayed locked with different resolution files. The MSB DAC V, interestingly, lost link every time files changed resolution; requiring me to shut down the software on my Mac and reopen it.

I literally just today read Robert Harley's review of the Aurender W20 in Absolute Sound, i mean Rave review. Of course Baetis also had a Rave/pruchase of their Reference Media Server by Andrew Quint in the same issue. You would think they would have lent their servers to each other to compare. Because, well, that would have been freakin useful to any of us interested in buying them since they are practically the same price and both supposedly top tier servers…. At least Harley did comment on the lower price N100 which is equivalent, essentially, to the N10 and does define differences after listening. I will admit that was very useful. But the Aurender, Baetis and YFS are my three top runners to replace my Mac Mini if such a time should come. and a direct comparison would have helped… oh well.

Sorry for the rant. My primary reason for mentioning it was that Robert said something surprising and I didn't quite understand it. Because Robert used the very same DAC, the Berk Ref, for his review and he said that the USB out to Berk converter to spdif in on the Ref DAC was the W20's best output. And later he said that he would assume it would be ever better if he could have run it direct without the Berk converter. Huh? The W20 has: USB, Coax/
& BNC SPDIF outputs, dual wire AES/EBU (R&L) and Optical. I dont understand why he didn't run SPDIF BNC straight into the Berk Ref… Thats what I did with the N10. Robert, if your reading this can you please clarify? Its actually an important point.

I did not yet compare the USB output of the N10 running through the Berk converter into SPDIF in the Berk to SPDIF direct, but I promise I will. Its something I have been longing to do since i started this thread way back when.

I did compare the N10 SPDIF/BNC out into Berk Ref DAC to N10 USB out into my Mac Mini a few days ago. But break in has made such dramatic improvements that I don't consider that comparison worth reporting. I will just say they sounded REMARKABLY SIMILAR at the time.

I have read several times and heard more times that there is synergy between the Berk Ref DAC and the Aurender products, and I 100% agree! especially after they burn in. The Aurender N10 has begun to show its true abilities, and I am starting to get impressed. Jury is still out until the server has over 500 hours on it, but its getting better and better. The Berk Ref DAC is still young and needs more time to mature, but its showing me signs of majesty.

As I briefly said, the Berk Ref initially sounded remarkably similar to my ODSE, out of the gate. similar voicing, similar nature, soundstage, imaging, texture, layers… Wow, its like they were made by the same person with the same goals (Sorry Steve, I don't know if thats a complement or an insult). But there was, even at first, more nuance and complexity but not a lot more. With just a touch over 100 hours I can start to see Mozart growing up from his first symphonies as a child protégé to a seasoned composer. The only way I can describe it goes along with that same analogy, CONFIDENCE. the Berk Ref is more confident, more composed, more in charge. As it gets better its turning into an ODSE on steroids. I would bet Steve's soon to debut ODSX will give the Berk Ref a run for its money. But for now, the Berk Ref is taking the lead and, I think, will continue to mature and improve with more time. I get to hold onto it for another 2 weeks. So I'll keep reporting until it has about 470 hours on it +/-.

Is the Berk Ref better then the Emm? Not better, different. My neighbor also ordered a DA2 with me, so he will have both in house to compare. Once the Berk Ref is fully burned in with over 1000 hours on it and my incoming DA2 also has over 1000 hours I will compare them again. stay tuned. The MSB was not to my taste as the filters warmed things up too much. Vince from MSB has a new filter he wants me to hear and he is working on putting that together for me. Can't wait to hear it!!!

The Aurender is getting better as well, but I haven't compared it again to the Mac Mini and won't until it has over 500 hours on it.

Sorry for the short opinions, but I don't want to make any definitive statements until everything is properly cooked.

I will add that the High Fidelity Reference Helix AC power cord is gracing my presence but I have yet to put it into the system since Im desperately trying to keep my variables limited during the reports stage. I will admit that I upgraded my speaker cable to the top line Analysis Plus Big Oval Silver with silver spades and my stage, imaging and pretty much everything else made a huge improvement over the Audience AU24SE shotgun run. And they are brand new. I got them for under a grand and I figured it was worth the money until I go stupid cable, or get someone to send me stupid cable. I had the Jorgen and a few other $10K plus speaker wire and it all makes a difference. My neighbor has the top tier Wireworld Platinum 7 speaker cable coming so I will be able to try that as well…

Its fun to have access to this stuff, but its hard to stay honest and keep the variables limited so my opinions and reports are reliable and consistent.

Oh. I also secured a deal on a Zanden 1200mk3 phono stage which should be arriving in a few weeks. I figured that if I was going to introduce tubes into my system, the phono stage should be where they go. I will also start working on plans to upgrade my table/arm/cartridge to match the quality of the incoming phono stage. Ill post a few thoughts on table considerations in an upcoming post. this one has a TON of info all ready.
